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Weva Vudol is a cleric of the Duskmaven in Jrusar. As an NPC, Weva Vudol is played by Matthew Mercer.


Weva had very pale, almost pearlescent white skin, no eyebrows, and silver gray hair that tumbled back to gather in the hood of her thick black ruffled hooded cloak. Her features appeared almost elven but her ears were rounded rather than pointed. She was described as being "like a creepy doll".[3] Her eyes had white irises with only small dark pupils, appearing like black dots on a blank white mask.[4]

Her personality, manner, and voice were all very creepy, and she appeared to enjoy the unsettling effect she created, taking a "weird, sickly sweet joy" in her work.[5] She stated that it was her job to perform Speak with Dead rituals on murder victims, and Orlana Seshadri confirmed she had a very useful talent for investigating assassinations via Speak with Dead.[6]


Weva Vudol - Veronica Anrathi (Disarmonia)

Fan art of Weva, by Veronica Anrathi (Disarmonia).[art 2]

"The Momentum of Murder" (3x39)[]

Weva performed a Speak with Dead ritual on Ariks Eshteross's body, learning that he had been killed by the "Legend of the Peaks", Otohan Thull, thus clearing Bells Hells of suspicion in the murder. She was fascinated by Laudna, noting that her skin was cold and alarming Laudna by the way she looked at her. They bonded a bit over the fact that they both make people uncomfortable, taking it as a compliment. Weva noted that Laudna was a bit dark and "withered around the edges", and welcomed her back to life.


Character information[]

Notable items[]


Orym confirmed with his Battle Master abilities that Weva's level and hit points were definitely much higher than his own.[2]

Appearances and mentions[]


  • Weva: Oh, are these them? Are these the ones that might have done it?"
    Fearne: No no, no no no. We did not.
    Weva: Huh, I've heard that before, but we'll find out, won't we?
  • Ashton: (after the Speak with Dead ritual) That was fucking gross.
    Weva: Thank you.


  • The description of Weva's face is very similar to that of The Raven Queen wearing her porcelain mask.
  • While Imogen and Laudna were talking about religious people and their gods they thought of Weva, but misremembered her being a follower of Sehanine; a few moments later they realized the cleric was actually a follower of the Matron of Ravens, but it didn't matter anymore, since both of them were already trying to talk to the Moonweaver.[7]


  1. See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) at 0:57:28.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) at 1:15:31.
  3. See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) at 0:56:54.
  4. See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) at 1:00:43.
  5. See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) at 1:01:46.
  6. See "The Momentum of Murder" (3x39) from 0:58:29 through 1:00:20.
  7. See "Nice" (3x69) at 1:59:20.


  1. Fan art of Weva Vudol, by Mikael (source). Used with permission.
  2. Fan art of Weva, by Veronica Anrathi (Disarmonia) (source). Used with permission.
