Highbearer Vord is the leader of The Order of Bahamut. Vord is aligned with Scalebearer Yon and Lady Kima. As an NPC, Highbearer Vord is played by Matthew Mercer in Critical Role, and by Sumalee Montano in The Legend of Vox Machina.
Vord is initially described as a slender, elven male draped in long white robes that drag a few feet behind him. He has stark white hair that is slicked back against his head and no facial hair. He has frail but handsome facial features. Vord is a very old elf that has aged very gracefully. He wears several well-crafted draconic symbols that end with an image of Bahamut.[3] Later, in "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43), Vord is described as having long, light brown hair that crests down past his shoulders, very elven, soft and ageless features, and a very faint bluish hue to his skin. His eyes have no irises, no pupils.[4]
In The Legend of Vox Machina, Vord is a young-looking, brunette female elf, but their personality and actions are otherwise very similar.[5]
"Enter Vasselheim" (1x16)[]
Vord met with Vox Machina to determine whether they carried a true Horn of Orcus. He confirmed it to be genuine and recommended they secure it within the Hall of the Exalted, an ancient and powerfully guarded vault. He also informed them that said hall was infested with spider creatures, and the defense systems had been activated, meaning the journey there would be quite fraught. He answered some of their questions about the security of the vault and the history of the city before sending them on their way.
After they successfully disposed of the horn, Vord paid Vox Machina for their troubles, and informed them of the location of the Fire Ashari, as well as the recent discovery of a lost temple to Sarenrae, which Pike later departed from Vox Machina to rebuild.
"Return to Vasselheim" (1x43)[]
Vox Machina returned to the Platinum Sanctuary, hoping to acquire their aid in the defense of Tal'Dorei against the Chroma Conclave. They were admitted to the presence of Highbearer Vord, who said he was aware of the problem, but refused to send reinforcements because he feared Tiamat would attack Vasselheim if he did. However, he did offer the assistance of their finest champion, and once the champion reported back, perhaps Vasselheim would be able to send more. He agreed to send Lady Kima of Vord with them, instead of the champion he had originally picked out, Platium Knight Udire. He gave the party advice on where to find more information on the Vestiges of Divergence and they went on their way.
"Voice of the Tempest" (1x90)[]
Vex and Vax briefly stopped by the Platinum Sanctuary and spoke with Highbearer Vord. They were considering leaving the journal of Opash in their vault but decided against it in the end, as Vord explained that they would have to research it which made the twins uncomfortable. Vord explained to them more about Orcus and the horn they left in his care, as well as the Nine Hells because they wished to be better informed before journeying there themselves. The twins thanked him for his time and left.
"The Ominous March" (1x109)[]
The Platinum Sanctuary, and thus Highbearer Vord, hosted a meeting between dignitaries of Vasselheim and beyond, to discuss the ascension of Vecna and the approach of Thar Amphala. Vord reported that he had wyvern riders searching for the city. When Vex informed them that Vecna could spy on them at any time, Vord loaned her a ring called the Band of Shrouds, saying it would protect against prying magics. The gathered council planned an assault against Thar Amphala, with Vord agreeing that Vox Machina should serve as an elite strike force against Vecna. It was then revealed that, as the Band of Shrouds required attunement, Vecna had been spying on the meeting the whole time.
The god threatened the present dignitaries and their loved ones, including Vord's family, until Allura Vysoren dispelled the illusion he was projecting. Vord then defensively explained that the ring required attunement and he didn't realise that Vecna would show up in the Sanctuary. Vord declared that Vecna knew too much and they were out of time, so the assault had to begin now. He left Vox Machina to plan how exactly they would deal with Vecna, then rejoined the rest of the council to strategize their assault on Thar Amphala.
"The Chapter Closes" (1x115)[]
After the war was won, Vox Machina returned to the Platinum Sanctuary to debrief, meeting with Vord and the other leaders of the city. Vax assured Vord that Vecna was truly gone, as The Raven Queen had allowed him to sense Vecna's presence and he felt nothing. Vord was present for Keyleth's victory speech, and for Vax's departure. Afterwards, Grog, Pike and Scanlan asked Vord and the priests of Bahamut to take over the search for Arkhan, a servant of Tiamat. They relinquished into Vord's care both Arkhan's hand and the Sword of Kas.
"The Search For Grog" (Sx42)[]
Vox Machina returned to the Platinum Sanctuary, where Vord and the other leaders were still planning and preparing how to repair the city. They explained that Grog had pulled a card from the Deck of Many Things, and Vord admonished them for letting Grog own such a dangerous arcane artifact. Between then, Allura and Scanlan determined that Grog's soul had been removed from his body and transported to Pandemonium. Vord called for members of the city to assist Vox Machina in their quest, and Lieve'tel Toluse and Bertrand Bell volunteered.
Campaign Three: Bells Hells[]
Highbearer Vord was present at the meeting of the Exandrian Accord in Vasselheim following the invasion of the Tishtan excavation site around the base of the Malleus Key by the Ruby Vanguard and the forces of Ruidus. When a tumult occurred following a suggestion that Bells Hells could not be trusted, Vord interrupted to suggest they all take a break and a smaller group meet in the morning in the Trial Forge to hammer out a war plan, which they would bring to the entire group for approval.[6] Vord was also a part of this smaller planning meeting.[7]
When the second meeting in the Sanctuary started Vord asked Athudashionus to activate the Zone of Truth spell in the building, to make sure everyone there was honest, and then multiple missions were presented to act against the Ruby Vanguard. When some people expressed concerned about the loyalties and lack of religious people among Bells Hells, they were given the opportunity to speak for themselves, and Braius Doomseed listed the tenets of the Platinum Dragon, assuring the people there that they were following them. Interested by this, the Highbearer asked him about his knowledge of saints, and the minotaur explained he liked Graham the Fallen Saint; Vord then approached and touched his chest, asking if he would be willing to dedicate himself to that cause, and when Braius agreed Vord returned to their seat, still concerned about that paladin. After some more conversation and a demonstration of the primordial powers of Ashton Greymoore and Fearne Calloway, Highbearer Vord ended the meeting, stating that even if there were changes in plans after the fact, they already had missions to work with. Shortly after they approached Braius and his friends, and asked if they could be trusted. The paladin showed them a broken symbol of Bahamut, explaining he had been banished from the Platinum House, but that he still had hopes of being redeemed; after Pike Trickfoot's brief intervention speaking in favor of Braius, Vord, despite not being fully confident, agreed to let the minotaur represent the Platinum Dragon and his followers, and made him wear Truthbearer, a fabled magic armor, to have a proper gear associated with the Prime Deity, staring into his eyes while some assistants put it on. After Braius promised to be worthy of the armor, Vord left.
The Legend of Vox Machina, Season Two[]
Highbearer Vord was a young female rather than an older male in the animated series, but her reaction to Vox Machina's plea for help against the Chroma Conclave was similar: no help would be provided for fear of weakening Vasselheim's defenses and exposing it to potential attack itself. If anything, Vord's response was even less helpful in that she did not offer the assistance of a champion or advice on the location of the Vestiges of Divergence.[8]
Kima of Vord: Kima is a disciple of Highbearer Vord, granting her her title.
Character Information[]
Notable Items[]
Appearances and mentions[]
- Campaign One
- "Skyward" (1x15), mentioned only (first mentioned)
- "Enter Vasselheim" (1x16) (first appearance)
- "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43)
- "Loose Ends" (1x84), mentioned only
- "Voice of the Tempest" (1x90)
- "Vox Machina Go to Hell" (1x91), mentioned only[10]
- "The Ominous March" (1x109)
- "The Chapter Closes" (1x115)
- Campaign Three
- "Axiom Shaken" (3x43), mentioned only
- "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104)
- "Collecting Legends" (3x105)
- Specials
- "The Search For Grog" (Sx42)
- The Re-Slayer's Take
- "The Whispers" (RTx05), mentioned only
- The Legend of Vox Machina
- "The Trials of Vasselheim" (LVM2x02)
- "While [the dragons] do concern us, there is the alternate vow that we've spoken, and that is to protect Vasselheim. The city has stood as long as it has because we have not left our post. And the moment that we were to attempt to move even a minority of our people in the city to be of aid to you in this endeavor, this would be the moment that the Dragon Queen will be waiting for to attack our citadel. There are many more forces beyond these dragons that you speak of in this world, bent against the destruction of this city. And we stand because we hold vigil here."[11]
- Vord's appearance, age, and gender have changed multiple times between campaigns and media, with the only consistent facts being that the Highbearer is an elf who has been leading the church of Bahamut for a long time. Sam Riegel has mentioned that Matthew Mercer is being intentionally ambiguous when playing them because of it.[12]
- A possible explanation, within 5th Edition logic, is that Vord is an uncommon type of elf blessed by Corellon and able to change their appearance and gender daily if they so desire.[13] Dani Carr has also suggested the possibility of "Vord" being a name inherited with the title, so any version of the Highbearer would be Highbearer Vord.[14]
- According to Vaughn Josgren Jr, from Josgren's Hollow, once he visited Vasselheim and Vord the Silvertouched gifted him a magnificent robe.[15]
- In the fan-made musical Vox Machina: An Exandrian Musical by the Cantata Pansophical, Vord sings a number (Highbearer Refuted) detailing his reaction to and reasoning for refusing Vox Machina's plea for help against the Chroma Conclave.
- ↑ The Legend of Vox Machina on IMDb
- ↑ See "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43) at 2:08:16.
- ↑ See "Enter Vasselheim" (1x16) at 1:03:18.
- ↑ See "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43) at 2:08:16.
- ↑ See "The Trials of Vasselheim" (LVM2x02) at 4:24.
- ↑ See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:44:51.
- ↑ See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 3:56:03.
- ↑ See "The Trials of Vasselheim" (LVM2x02) at 4:23.
- ↑ See "The Ominous March" (1x109) at 1:34:49.
- ↑ See "Vox Machina Go to Hell" (1x91) at 0:25:15. Highbearer Vord was mentioned.
- ↑ See "Return to Vasselheim" (1x43) at 2:12:21.
- ↑ See "4-Sided Dive: Queries & Quandaries" (4SDx27) at 0:27:01.
- ↑ See D&D: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, 5th ed., p. 45.
- ↑ See "4-Sided Dive: Queries & Quandaries" (4SDx27) at 0:27:36.
- ↑ See "The Whispers" (RTx05).
- ↑ Fan art of Highbearer Vord, by Kileigh Gallagher (source). Used with permission.
- ↑ Screenshot of Highbearer Vord, by Titmouse from "The Trials of Vasselheim" (LVM2x02). This file is a copyrighted work. Its use in this article is asserted to qualify as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.