The Uludans are a politically influential family from Wildemount.
This family began to gain prestige at some point in the 8th century after the Divergence, when one of its members, Athesias, became the Archmage of Diplomatic Union of the Cerberus Assembly, position in which his social skills and affability were better utilized than as an instructor at the Soltryce Academy.[1] By then, another branch of the family had established itself in the Menagerie Coast, and when a new marquis of Nicodranas was required, the chosen was Zhafe, a distant cousin of Athesias, in what was considered a diplomatic concession to maintain good relations between the Concord and the Empire. While the new marquis claimed to have been appointed on his own merits, time has proven that his fear of the Cerberus Assembly makes him a political puppet of his powerful cousin.[2]
According to the semicanonical special "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81), during or before 790 PD[3] a close relative of Zhafe Uludan killed a merchant, and in order to avoid controversy, the family used their jester, Sarge, as a scapegoat, forcing him to flee (and involuntarily causing the vengeful soul of the murdered to end up bound to the halfling).[4]
In 836 PD both Zhafe and Athesias were still in their positions of power, with the former ensuring his popularity through galas and other similar events in Nicodranas. When the Cerberus Assembly was preparing to negociate a truce with the Kryn Dynasty, a party was celebrated in honor of the Dwendalian diplomats in the coastal city-state, and the marquis hosted it, inviting several figures, including his cousin Athesias (who, despite their blood ties, wasn't very impressed), and having the honor of having Marion Lavorre herself perform at the event.[5] Although the Empire and the Dynasty eventually reached an agreement, during the parley the presence of Lord Athesias Uludan was seen by some (including Ludinus Da'leth) as a potential risk, as the main diplomat at the event was Lord Zeddan Graf, and he and the Archmage of Diplomatic Union loathed each other (since the latter enjoyed to interfere with the latter's work).[6][1]
A few years later, after the apogee solstice of 843 PD, Marquis Zhafe Uludan was one of the many important political figures that attended a series of meetings in Vasselheim to talk about the Ruby Vanguard and their plans.[7][8]
Known members[]

Fan art of Lord Athesias Uludan, by Allenthelost.[art 1]
- Lord Athesias Uludan, Archmage of Diplomatic Union
- Zhafe Uludan, Marquis of Nicodranas
- At least one other unnamed member of the branch of the family in Nicodranas
- The surname probably derives from the Polish ułuda, meaning "delusion", "deception", or "phantom". The surname itself seems to be a reference to the deceptive and conspiring nature of the known members of the family.
- Knowing the etymology of their name and the fact that Zhafe obtained his position after Athesias obtained his, it is possible that the Uludans are specifically from Western Wynandir, home of the Dwendalian Empire, which has a very strong eastern European inspiration.
- Although this family has noble ties and currently have a "royal" status (as the rulers of a city-state), it is unlikely that they will keep the position after Zhafe's death, unless he has a relative relevant enough to be elected as the new marquis (since the title isn't inherently hereditary).
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, pp. 42–43.
- ↑ See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, p. 44.
- ↑ It happened five years before "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81), which takes place in a time in Scanlan's life when he's still inexpert and lacks confidence, and by the end of it he's trying to behave more like the charismatic Ranthiel Volthor. Since between 795 and 796 PD Scanlan had a messy affair with a member of the Darrington Estate staff that forced the bard and his troupe to leave, presumably the gnome's time with the Glorious Ones preceded this incident in Deastok. For more information see "Curious Tides" (1x89) at 1:13:37 and "Talks Machina #17: 'Voice of the Tempest'" (TMx17) at 56:37
- ↑ See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:27:15.
- ↑ See "The Fancy and the Fooled" (2x97) at 0:49:27.
- ↑ See "High Seas, High Stakes" (2x99) from 1:52:50 through 1:53:27.
- ↑ See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104).
- ↑ See "Collecting Legends" (3x105).
- ↑ Fan art of Lord Athesias Uludan, by Allenthelost (source). Used with permission.