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"The Whispers" (RTx05) is the fifth episode of The Re-Slayer's Take. The Will-O'-Whispers descend upon our heroes, forcing them to look for allies in unlikely places.


The whispers attack the group, and their spectral weapons react, activating immediately. Idrin and Frog strike first using holy water: she throws it and he Enlarges it, causing a lot of damage when it breaks. The undead fog hurts Heera, who responds with Hellish Rebuke, and Farah destroys some of the whispers shooting at them. Since the ghosts seem to be resistant to physical damage Idrin unleashes his Burning Hands, but Frog, using her Extract Aspects, reveal their weakness: loud sounds. Heera tries using Thaumaturgy, and the fog reacts to it, becoming more tangible; in a similar way, Idrin attacks them with Thunderwave, and when the whispers try to overwhelm him he resists with Chronal Shift. Farah, who has been poisoned by the creatures, is unable to hit them, but with some effort, they defeat the rest of them, and they rescue Poogs and Timpani, who spent the entire battle in quicksand.

The mayor approaches some of the adventurers and explain to them that the village was warned by someone and they didn't listen; he then gives them some money and invites them to break that person out of jail, since he doesn't want to release him officially. In the meantime, Farah and Heera speak to a local family, learning that the situation is tough in town, forcing them to consider moving out; thus, when the party gathers, they consider "punishing" the mayor economically, once they are done dealing with the ghosts. They go to the local prison, and while Farah and Timpani pretend to have a fight (although the half-elf is taking it seriously, since the firbold called her "old") Heera sneaks in the prison, finding a chained goliath called Janet. He is somewhat awkward, but Heera decides to trust him, and gives him a freedom of movement philter to get free of his shackles. After that, she alerts her friends, and Idrin and Frog help them get out (with the tiefling lifting Janet, who despite his size isn't very strong). When all the members of the Re-Slayer's Take gather again, Timpani reacts with joy, recognizing the goliath as an old friend, and asks him if he can guide them to his caravan.

Featured characters[]




  • Vaughn Josgren Jr, the mayor of Josgren's Hollow
  • Janet






  1. Re-Slayer's Take promotional art, by Elaine Tipping (source). Used with permission.
