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The Stubborn Stock is a mercenary group that originally hailed from Guar on the Menagerie Coast. Their leader is Darrow.[1]


Darrow by OrcBarbies

Fan art of Darrow, by OrcBarbies.[art 1]

Bard Stubborn Stock by OrcBarbies

Fan art of the Stubborn Stock's halfling bard, by OrcBarbies.[art 2]

Cleric Stubborn Stock by OrcBarbies

Fan art of the Stubborn Stock's cleric, by OrcBarbies.[art 3]

  • Darrow (de facto leader)[2]
  • Unnamed Dwarven ranger with a crossbow
  • Unnamed Half-elf women with two warhammers
  • Unnamed tattooed Halfling Bard
  • Unnamed Human archer with a longbow
  • Very old unnamed Cleric

Brand Image

Made by one of the group's members, the group carried and gave out business card like coins that were a little larger than a copper piece. More functional than beautiful, these small copper coin-like platters had the groups name printed on them.[3]

The groups members wore armor of green and brown.[4]



First having traveled to the Dwendalian Empire from the Mangerie Coast part way through 835 PD[5], this group was hired on a seven month retainer by the Empire. Stationed in Nogvurot where they would, when called upon, kill and hunt things down, and do any manner of task where the Empire couldn't bring the Righteous Brand to do or where the crownsguards were unable to do due to having to stay in the city. Most of the time the group sat around in wait.

The Mighty Nein encountered this group in Zadash during the Harvest Close Festival while they had been given a week's leave to compete in the Victory Pit.[6][7] As the forth group to be called out in the first round[8] they fought and defeated a 15-foot long giant crocodile.[9]

Advancing into the second round of the tournament the group faced off against and successfully defeated a pair of displacer beasts.[10]


  1. See 10x05 at 1:42:22.
  2. See 10x05 at 1:42:21.
  3. See 10x05 at 1:47:23.
  4. See 10x05 at 2:36:21.
  5. See 10x05 at 1:46:30.
  6. See 10x05 at 1:42:22.
  7. See 10x05 at 1:46:40.
  8. See 10x05 at 3:19:34.
  9. See 10x05 from 3:19:49 through 3:21:15.
  10. See 10x05 from 3:55:47 through 3:57:45.


  1. Fan art of Darrow, by OrcBarbies (source). Used with permission.
  2. Fan art of the Stubborn Stock's halfling bard, by OrcBarbies (source). Used with permission.
  3. Fan art of the Stubborn Stock's cleric, by OrcBarbies (source). Used with permission.