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"The Hermit's Hill" (RT2x10) is the twenty-second episode of The Re-Slayer's Take. After a restless and troubled night, the group follows Frog's compass to the mountain's summit, where they discover that its guardian needs their help just as much as they need his.


The adventurers see the 400 steps that separate them from the cabin, but as soon as Timpani steps on one he activates a trap that leaves him hanging from a rope. Heera deduces that it is a Snare spell, and theorizes that perhaps someone introverted would have set multiple traps along the staircase; Farah notices that a mechanism has been activated to alert the cabin of what is happening, so the Re-Slayers reveal their position by speaking loudly to reassure the person living there. Said person, Professor Alexander Parade, opens the door and although he is surprised by the visitors he offers them tea, and tells them about the trapped steps; even with the warning, Frog moves too fast and accidentally activates one of the traps, being violently sent back to the base of the stairs, alarming her friends. In the meantime, Heera reaches the cabin and greets their dwarven guest, talking with him for a bit and trying to activate a radio-like device he has, without success; the tiefling also notices that Alexander is using mechanical arms attached to his back that look Aeorian in design. The rest of the group arrives shortly after, with an injured and dazed Frog whom Timpani heals at Farah's insistence; Alexander doesn't trust them at first and seems reluctant to let them interact with his radio, declaring he can fix things by himself, but revealing he can't do the same with Douglas (an inactive pet-like automaton he carries around). Frog notices the mechanical arms and she thinks they aren't hers, but when Farah examines her back she tells her that she seems seems to be designed to fold the arms into her own body when she's not using them.

While the group is drinking tea, Heera, browsing, opens a door and finds a puppet made of sticks; upon noticing it, Alexander destroys it with his blunderbuss (startling the rogue in the process), and complains that these creatures appear every now and then. Sure enough, shortly after several twig creatures climb the stairs and start banging on the doors and windows, so the adventurers help defend the place; at one point one of the monsters steals Alexander's gun and when they try to get it back it goes off, opening a hole in the ceiling that reveals a larger wooden monster looming over them, which leaves when the professor attacks it with fire. As the twig creatures leave, Frog grabs one and Identifies it, confirming that the dark magic that animates them is some kind of curse; once this is done, throw the monster out the window. After seeing her do that Alexander realizes that Frog is Aeorian and gets very excited. They exchange introductions, and he begins taking notes and sharing his knowledge about the ancient civilization (strange and speculative knowledge for the most part), as well as their activities in this valley. He tells them that he originally came here as a sort of vacation, but he stayed after finding a great amethyst, and since then has discovered gems of different types; he also reveals that his automaton was built to honor his late dog Douglas, but that it doesn't work because his foes took its heart. They end up reaching an agreement: the Re-Slayers will help the professor fix his Douglas and he will tell them the secrets of the black powder he uses for his blunderbuss.

Featured characters[]





  • Douglas, Alexander's dog





  1. Re-Slayer's Take S2 promotional art, by Elaine Tipping (source). Used with permission.
