"The Decomposing Domicile" (RT2x13) is the twenty-fifth episode of The Re-Slayer's Take. When Poogs and Timpani give the group some space, the rest of the Re-Slayers head to the outskirts of Vasselheim to investigate Heldwell's haunted house.
The Re-Slayer's Take are back in Vasselheim, in their building. Poogs is making some cupcakes and sharing them with Ear-Devourer (who has grown since it lives there) when he realizes he is out of slug milk; Timpani offers to take him to the Hug Hive to take more, but they decide to warn their friends first. In her room Frog is reading, and when Poogs checks on her and notices she has regained her former size, he helps her to incorporate her extra arms to her metallic body; she tests them by holding writing tools, and when the goblin points out she can fight and sketch at the same time, she is elated. She shows him one of the walls of her room, covered in drawings of their friends, and when Poogs asks if she needs something, since he and Timpani are going out, she mentions she would like to visit a local mechanic at some point. In the meantime, Farah has turned her room into a researching space, keeping the still pulsating heartstone inside a glass case; she has managed to discover that part of the magic that makes the item work is the use of dark souls and/or blood magic, which she actually understands. When Poogs checks on her the half-elf tells him she doesn't need anything, although she plans to visit Dr. Fitzwaggle with some of the black powder, but in that moment she hears something in the window and she finds a package containing a potion and an Echo Stone through which the potionmaker informs her that he has sent her a new product inspired by her fight with the magma landshark, as well as a raise of 40 gold pieces (it's actually just 13); Farah gets frustrated because she doesn't have a way to answer. Heera, who has been resting to recover during the last two days, still feels like she's being watched, especially by her own reflection, and she has noticed that her tattoos have darkened and deepened. She has left her hook horror egg in a nest and is following the instructions Poogs gave her; although there aren't cracks on the shell yet, the egg does move from time to time. She hears the goblin approaching her door and opens before he knocks, confirming she doesn't need anything; when she sees Timpani and he points out she doesn't look well-rested, she gets irritated and tells Poogs to watch his back while looking at the firbolg, adding at the very end that she actually wants snacks.
Poogs mentions outloud that Kashaw Vesh has sent them a letter, causing Farah and Heera to gather immediately, followed shortly after by Frog; in the letter, Kash mentions strange disappearances around Grimm Heldwell's old mansion, and invites them to check it out (since it seems to be the kind of mission they would be interested in), offering them help if they need it. Although Frog finds the plan exciting, Farah still doesn't trust the mercenary, and when Poogs mentions she shouldn't be so distrusting without actual proof she leaves in order to find Kash (she doesn't, so she goes to Dr. Fitzwaggle's instead). Frog tells Poogs and Timpani they will be ok by themselves, and the latter fist-bumps her two new arms. Heera declares it will be good for them to be in different places for a time, and then, remembering Xella's comment about secrets days before, she admits that something has been using Timpani's face to torment her in her dreams, and that even though she doesn't consider the firbolg smart enough to actually plot against her, she still feels uncomfortable around him. Timpani, somewhat hurt by the statement, agrees to leave with Poogs and apologizes for whatever his dream self did to Heera. Noticing the tiefling's tattoos, Poogs asks her if she wants to share anything else about her dreams, and she admits she might have sold her soul to "the devil" without knowing; when Timpani realizes that is connected to the fire that saved them in the fight in Ügelberg, and Frog thanks their friend for saving them. Poogs suggests that when they return they can try to break the contract somehow, but Heera argues that one must live with the consequences of their decisions, and that if they want to thank her they should be a more efficient and cautious team instead of running away following a conspiracy theory like Farah did shortly before. Timpani wonders if Freedom Windsong would have advice about the deal, and Heera finds the idea ridiculous and infuriating: Disguising as the entity in her dream, she states that her deal wasn't just signing a paper, causing Poogs to move away from her, very scared; when he and Timpani are about to leave, the latter says that even if she tries to scare them away, Heera is now their family, and they won't give up on her easily.
Heera arrives to Dr. Fitzwaggle's store, but finds it completely changed, turned into a feed store whose new owner acquired just a few days before; when the blood hunter realizes he knows nothing she flips a table and storms out, refusing to pay for anything. After reuniting with Heera and Frog they go to Heldwell's mansion and find it in a surprising state of disrepair, with a damaged building and an unattended garden that produces a sweet but rotten smell. Disguised as Heldwell, Heera pretends she is the owner, who has forgotten his key, and picks the lock. Inside, the house is equally deteriorated and abandoned, causing Heera to mock the wizard by explaining that those are the consequences of making a deal with the Timberblight (Frog praises the imitation and the rogue thanks her); Farah, in turn, notices signs of four people walking in before them, and she finds fungus similar to the one present in the tunnels where they fought the bulette. They explore the first floor of the mansion, and eventually Heera finds a tankard from the local A Taste of Tal'Dorei with a letter inside: written by one Preston Drodelon, Spectromenous Supremus, it tells the adventurers connected to the Spectral Hand that they must prove themselves by going to the mansion if they want "replacement weapons" forged for them. Heera, realizing she and her friends have the actual legendary weapons, hopes that the power of the stolen lantern will be with them and not the other adventurers; Frog points out that they should try to solve the problem without hurting anyone, trying to imitate Timpani's voice and getting a praise from Farah. The three of them agree that regardless of what happens they should keep their weapons, since they are useful against Heldwell. When they find a locked door Heera tries to pick the lock again, but she has some difficulties doing so, and encourages her friends to check the second floor in the meantime. They do as she says, and find Grimm's room, with some money, clothes with the brand of the Slayer's Take, and a book in Druidic covering the key they needed (although when they inform Heera through their earrings she assures she only needs a few more minutes); they also find a "Wanted" poster of the Re-Slayer's Take with their eyes crossed out, the word "buffoon" written above Timpani, and marks indicating that someone has used the parchment as a target to throw daggers (Frog decides to keep it since she likes the drawing style). Using the things she has learned with the heartstone, Farah uses Aether Walk to move to the Ethereal Plane for a few seconds, locating am invisible podium and taking from it a necklace that used to belong to Heldwell's mother; when she reappears she startles Frog, although she is very impressed once she confirms Farah disappeared on purpose. After being told by Heera that the door is open they go to the stairs, but they break and Frog falls; although she doesn't get hurt she asks her friends not to tell anyone about that little accident, and the Heera responds that she doesn't know anyone else outside their group. As they continue advancing Farah gives Heera the book, and using Eyes of the Rune Keeper she learns it is a dense tome about eidolon spirits, which worries her, causing her to declare she will need more time with the book. When the tiefling learns they also got a necklace she assumes Frog Identified it to make sure it wasn't curse, causing Farah to assure her that it was as she says (Frog pretends to double-check, revealing it has magical properties, and they agree Farah can keep it, gaining some additional health). They eventually reach a chamber with Druidic writing that says "Confess to me your truest fear, and enter", and Heera notices the magical glyphs of a Detect Thoughts spell as well; she tricks Farah into believing she has to confess a regret from her past, and the old woman admits she gambled away all her money (when Heera expresses surprise Farah argues she would have thought that the thief of their group would have had deduced it by herself at that point). Heera then approaches and reveals she fears to be seduced and doomed by the desire for power, causing the obelisk to start glowing; when Frog points out she's not doing the same thing as Farah, the tiefling admits she wanted them to bond over shared secrets, since it was only them three, but when Farah expressed irritation she told her she could just think of her fears without actually saying them outloud. The blood hunter then imagines herself as useless and a burden for her friends, causing the obelisk to shine more. After Frog admits outloud that she fears that the Aeormatons could actually disappear completely, since there are very few of them, the obelisk finally causes a wall to move, revealing another passage.
Featured characters[]
- Ear-Devourer, the skull spider
- Unnamed owner of Dr. Fitzwaggle's former store
- Alexander Parade
- Janet
- Xella Blacktongue
- Norbert Klott
- Duderonomous
- Freedom Windsong
- Dr. Fitzwaggle, the strange potionmaker from Josgren's Hollow
- Kashaw Vesh
- Grimm Heldwell
- Bane, the Strife Emperor (unnamed)
- Putridius Festerkin (unnamed)
- Spectral Hand adventurers (unnamed)
- Gavain von Eitel, the arrogant knight
- Maurice Ignatius Fiddlefoot, the halfling squire
- Euphemia, the sulky elven mage
- Dronk Stonefist, the half-giant warrior
- Preston Drodelon
- Frog, Farah, and Heera leveled up in this episode.
- ↑ Re-Slayer's Take S2 promotional art, by Elaine Tipping (source). Used with permission.