"The Befuddled Bravehearts" (RT2x05) is the seventeenth episode of The Re-Slayer's Take. The Re-Slayers head to a small Zemnian town after hearing of a ghostly presence. When they arrive, they discover that the city’s previous champions have met an eerie fate, shrouded in a chilling curse that now threatens the Re-Slayers themselves.
The morning after saying goodbye to Xella, Frog Identifies Farah's new boots for her, explaining her how they work. Poogs is in a bad mood, and when his friends ask, he complains about how they keep him away from danger, dismissing his efforts; he only calms down a bit after Heera explains to him that he provides many things to the team that others can't, and offer to train him if so he wishes. While the goblin is away looking for Timpani, Heera asks Frog to Identify her chain mark, and after confirming it helps her channel magic the tiefling admits she has been seeing weird things, asking to be killed if she goes insane (only Farah agrees); she also gets her new Quick Coil Wand Identified. Shortly after Timpani returns, informing them that they're close to their destination, and expressed his displeasure when Poogs tells him the other adventurers will train him, since he thought the goblin was trying to get away from violence. Farah argues that they need more help because the group almost died in the last fight; they, however, agree to continue the conversation later.
When they finally arrive to Seedfeld they see that there is a sulphurous yellow cloud floating above it, blocking the sun, and the town itself seems to be empty; as they approach they notice a gibbon, and Heera, excited, calls for it, unintentionally casting Command. The monkry gets nervous and produces a blast of wind to move the rogue away, as the rest of the pack of wind gibbons appears. Timpani informs the group that those creatures are saying very bad things, and shares his bad experiences with their kind, but at Heera's insistence, he uses his powers to speak with the leader, appealing to its vanity and convincing it to allow them to go in exchange for a bribe (Frog gives away some gold pieces). As they enter the village they notice a muscular gnome woman in red armor, absently sweeping the street; when Frog tries to use her Identifying Palm, the woman moves her away before continuing her tasks, muttering that she doesn't want the sokdiers to see the place dirty. Heera, hearing this, pretends to be a soldier so that the woman guides them, just for another gnome to appear, ready to attack them until the tiefling casts Friends on him. This new warrior, Norbert Klott, is very relieved when he learns they aren't thieves, and guides them and the woman (Zora the Red), to a tavern where other gnomes are also absently doing one single task. Norbert (after assuming the adventurers are associated with the Slayer's Take), explains that their hamlet used to be quiet, but recently the cloud appeared and ruined the crops, so a lot of people left; the gnomes that are left are part of a local group of heroes, the Mega Magic Paladins, and although they tried to solve the problem going to a cave where the Slayer's Take defeated a troll a decade before, they returned in the strange state they are currently displaying, so Norbert has stayed to take care of them and their magical daggers. Although the gnome rejects giving the daggers to the Re-Slayers he still asks for their help; after Frog fails to Identify what ails the paladins (beyond the fact that something is affecting their brains) and Timpani's Lesser Restoration fails to heal them, the firbolg suggests to go to the cave where the troll was defeated, with Norbert as their guide, and leaving Poogs behind to take care of the other gnomes. The goblin doesn't want to, but ends up agreeing after Norbert tells him how promising he looks; when Poogs asks his friends not to return like the paladins did, Timpani tells him that if that were to be the case, he wouldn't want any other person to be his caretaker.
They go to the nearest mountain, Ügelberg, where the cave is, and they start climbing, with Farah going ahead easily thanks to her new boots; when she notices holes in the stone she realizes there are cave fishers there, and warns her friends. Even then, Heera is attacked by the creatures, and when the blood hunter tries to help her throwing a rock she ends up hitting her friend. Timpani Enhances Frog's dexterity and she goes rescue Heera, although she is also attacked by the fishers; Timpani and Norbert climb together and free the two girls, and Heera wakes up swearing revenge on the cave fishers. They reach the entrance of the cave, with a barrier of yellow energy that reacts to their weapons, but Heera is hurt (one of her horns is broken) and Farah, feeling guilty (even though no one knows she threw the rock) insists they wait before entering. Timpani casts Create Bonfire and prepares for a short rest.
Featured characters[]
- Norbert Klott
- The Mega Magic Paladins
- Zora the Red
- Annika the Yellow (unnamed)
- Finn the Green
- Linus the Blue (unnamed)
- Tobi the Pink (unnamed)
- Ügel/Oogle the troll
- Idrin Shadowstep
- Pumat Sol
- Putridius Festerkin
- At the beginning of the episode Timpani told the Re-Slayers that it would take them a day to reach Seedfeld, but then they reached the town shortly after, without mentioning a long rest or a flash-forward. It is unclear if this was a mistake or if it was supposed to show how bad Timpani is determining distances.
- ↑ Re-Slayer's Take S2 promotional art, by Elaine Tipping (source). Used with permission.