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Tengar, the Eternal Palace, was the irreal home to the ideas that would become realized as the Protean Gods of Exandria. In Tengar, the Prime and Betrayer gods lived as a harmonious family; though they represented the same starkly different ideas they would later embody as gods, because these ideas were unactionable, without consequence or effect, there was no source of conflict between them.[1]


The palace held "endless ramparts and hallways of spinning stars, a nebula so vast that light would age a thousand lifetimes of its origins to cross from the threshold to the ending of this palace," "beings of infinite possibility and endless wonder populating the vast and joyous caverns, chambers, hallways, ramparts, all of the chapels and unending mystery that this Eternal Palace has to offer those that have always dwelt herein. Shimmering light, beings of wonder, whose potential, having never touched the real, is limitless."[2]

Notable locations[]

  • Hallway of the Unbroken Shard: Holds the Quill of Infinites[3]
  • Quill of Infinites: Writes worlds that have never been[4]
  • Orchard of Possibility: An orchard of fractal light[5]


Notable people[]

Name Type Description
Aily NPC Moves as shifting color leaving imprints behind, feminine
Aru PC A spherical ball of light, the essence of Pelor
Ash PC Bits of light falling into themselves, the essence of Melora
Coru PC Sparkling, almost tubular light, the essence of Corellon
Edam PC A cacophony of sound and endless chaotic curiosity, the essence of Erathis
Edun NPC Sparkling kaleidoscopic multicolored lights
Ihana NPC The Weaver of Time
Imri NPC Shimmering, crackling blue fire, playful, the essence of Asmodeus
Luz PC Blue roughly spherical light and warmth, the essence of Sarenrae
Nahal PC Purplish fractal light, peaceful, the essence of the Raven Queen's predecessor
Nahala NPC Swallowed by nothingness as though they never existed
Qsar NPC
Shosti NPC Pure concussive energy, the essence of Gruumsh
???? NPC A point of lightlessness, the essence of Predathos


Aeons past, the ancient gods were beings of pure light, sound, and emotion. One day, Edun encountered Aru, Luz, and Imri, saying he had something to show them. Within the Orchard of Possibility they also encountered Nahal, who began for the first time to feel a sense of dread as Edun showed them a new tree being born. Hanging from it was a fruit (or a gem or a sun), which Edun plucked. As he did, his shimmering stopped, the lights fixed in place, and he "went away", becoming a point of lightlessness in the Orchard. Another group of lights, Ash, noticed and commented that this was new as yet more of the gods gathered, including Aily, who thought she should go get Edun from wherever he was. She touched the point of lightlessness and similarly fell into nothingness. The other gods watched in horrified disbelief.

Ihana, the Weaver of Time, pulled them towards herself as Tengar began to collapse around them. She told them to run as the nothingness came to their eternity, and as they fled she created a vessel. Nahala, another god, was swallowed by the nothingness while Shosti shattered the palace to form a protective barricade between themselves and destruction. The ship took off with only a handful of the gods aboard. Frightened, confused, and wounded, they found their way through eternity to Exandria.[6]


  • The only people who have possibly seen the Eternal Palace in reality are Bells Hells, when Predathos showed them visions of its home.[7]
  • All the gods coming from Tengar share a specific type of divine spark of indescribable color, which Predathos can sense and hungers for.


  1. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) from 1:05:51 through 1:06:49.  Brennan: "The idea of hellfire and hellfire are about as different as two things can be. We tell stories about horrifying shit all the time, and that's fine because an idea is an idea. And so the idea that all these Betrayer Gods, in their idealized forms—it's like, 'No, there's no contradiction here. We're all family; we're all ideas floating around, we're all motes of light, these endless songs.' Nothing's become real yet. Everything is possibility."
  2. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 0:13:38.
  3. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 0:14:50.
  4. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 0:14:50.
  5. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 0:15:46.  See also at 0:17:49.
  6. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) from 0:13:11 through 0:43:14.
  7. See "The Hallowed Cage" (3x118) at 4:35:32.

