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"Talks Machina #127: 'Through the Trees'" (TMx127) is the one-hundred twenty-seventh episode of Talks Machina. Laura Bailey and Liam O'Brien discuss "Through the Trees" (2x79) with host Brian Wayne Foster.


  • Dikemon: Liam: Caleb had the idea to bring back Yasha during the Nein's planning. What does he think of her situation? Does a part of him empathize with her because of his own background?
  • Bronyprime: Laura: What was Jester's thoughts when you saw lightning come from Yasha and strike Obann during the scry? Do you think Yasha is trying to fight back? Does Jester think a Greater Restoration would restore Yasha's control?
  • @ElizabethMuses: Both: Jester's Scry clearly showed that Yasha is under Obann's control and is trying to fight back. How are Jester and Caleb processing this, and are they disappointed to have faced Yasha again and not been able to save her?
  • Bianca Schiavo: For Liam: Last episode was the first episode where Caleb willingly demonstrated a more physical attempt of a connection with Essek. Did he read something on Essek's expression that warranted that reaction, or was it simply Caleb's evolution towards his own dealings with people he is closest to?
  • Chris Gatlin: Laura: Jester was uncharacteristically focused and careful this episode. While others were willing to alter plans and take risks, she urged them not to. Is Jester afraid of Obann specifically or is she afraid of something else?
  • @Kimabutch: Liam: How tough was it to make the decision to pause on the teleportation circle and go help the rest of the party? What led to that decision?
  • Cosplay of the Week: Caduceus by LizardKingCosplay (photo by @sugar_lumps)
  • Ariel VanZandt: Laura: Jester is a very powerful woman and brings joy to the group, yet you mention that she wants to be seen differently by the group. What are your hopes for her? In what ways would you like to see her grow?
  • Rachel Lauve: Laura and Liam: The Mighty Nein put themselves even further in debt to Essek with the teleport spells to get to the Lotusden. How are you two feeling about inevitably having to tell Essek that their mission failed upon the party's return to Rosohna?
  • GutimusPrime: Liam: Does Caleb regret spending so much time with the transportation circle? How did he feel being just out of reach from that counterspell?
  • @Robertvanes: Laura: as various plots and missions unfold and things heat up around the M9, is Jester going to press for her Traveler Con-related needs, or is she trusting that the group will help her keep the date?
  • @McFlyCahill90: For Liam: When you cast Banishment on LH, you made a point of saying that you were holding the OTHER book in Caleb's possession. While that book's purpose is a mystery, do you feel comfortable telling us a little about why you specifically mentioned holding it?
  • Fan Art of the Week by Alysa Avery aka @Lissinatorr
  • @Sadcypress: Laura, does using now Guidance now and calling on the Traveler so often remind Jester of growing up with her number #1 best friend? Or does it feel different asking for aid (often for others) instead of for fun and company?
  • Seedy88: Liam, why was it important for Caleb to find out information about the Traveler at the Cobalt Soul? What was he hoping to learn?
  • @Wizardsimulator: Laura: Jester's mother mentioned saving up for her in case she ever wanted to go to school. Did Jester have any plans like that before becoming involved with the M9?
  • CryseArk: For both: Essek has mentioned that he will require the Mighty Nein's help soon. Do you have any expectations of what kind of favors he might ask? What will you do if he asks you to do something the group is uncomfortable with?
  • Scott Kunkel: Laura and Liam: After TM9 failed to achieve their goals, how do you shake the feeling of defeat so it doesn't carry forward or hamper how you play your characters going into future sessions?

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