A Staff of Healing is a magical item that allows an attuned bard, cleric, or druid to expend charges to cast any of three spells: Cure Wounds (1 charge/spell level up to 4th), Lesser Restoration (2 charges), or Mass Cure Wounds (5 charges). The staff can hold 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 daily.[1]
Deanna Leimert owned a Staff of Healing, which she described as a "big walking staff".[2] It could be combined with her shield (which converted to an axe upon being shaken) to create a halberd.[3]
- ↑ Official art of Deanna holding the Staff, by Hannah Friederichs (source). This file is a copyrighted work. Its use in this article is asserted to qualify as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.