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Shady Sally is a woman known by Ashton Greymoore in the past. As an NPC, she is played by Matthew Mercer.


In 843 PD, Sally was in her late 20s, with pale gray skin and tattered black hair with a white streak, worn over one eye. She was wearing torn black studded leather with one dented shoulder pauldron and fingerless gloves.[1] When Ashton knew her earlier, she had wild tangled hair, dark makeup smeared across her eyes and cheeks, and wore a ragged hide.[2]



Sally was a member of the Nobodies, along with Ashton Greymoore, and was present the night of their break-in of Jiana Hexum's home.[3] She was one of the people who abandoned Ashton bleeding in the street when he fell from the window and was severely injured, and she told him that in her place, he would have done the same thing since he was "pretty fucking broken."[4]

"Promise and Potential" (3x22)[]

Imogen Temult and Fresh Cut Grass both saw Sally in Ashton's memories of the night of the burglary.

"Embattled in Bassuras" (3x70)[]

Ashton and Imogen visited the Palace of All-Minds-Burn and were accosted by Sally, who pulled out a dagger. Ashton told her they were looking for her because there were debts to settle and they were running out of time to settle them. When Imogen connected with her psychically, there was a faint buzz as though she was connected to everyone in the area. Sally told Ashton the Nobodies had all gone their own ways and she had only returned to Bassuras following the Apogee Solstice. When she asserted they would have left her in the street if she had been the one who fell, Ashton took a punch at her, which she caught, but missed on her counterpunch. Ashton used Erratic Defense to slow her, then tipped her over, telling her that after they spent years paying off the gang's debt to Jiana Hexum, it's payback time. The Nobodies need to get back together, because they're needed to combat the forces gathering with the Apogee Solstice. Sally says she can't promise, because the members are scattered, and Ashton tells her it's been a genuine pleasure and he's looking forward to seeing her at work again.

Appearances and mentions[]


  • Sally: (to Ashton) Pleasant surprise to see you're still alive.
    Ashton: It's nice to hear it's pleasant.
  • Sally: There's money to be made or stupid decisions to die to, so.
    Ashton: Well, I'm leaning into stupid decisions right now, so.



