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Primarch Selena Erenves was one of the archmages of the city of Aeor, and one of the three lead designers of the Factorum Malleus. As an NPC, Selena is played by Brennan Lee Mulligan.


As a person, she was a woman with a gaunt face, a trait she kept even after she was transformed into a star.



Selena was a very influential figure in the city of Aeor. Three decades before the fall of her city she created a sentient aeormaton, S.I.L.A.H.A..

She was one of three archmages who held enough knowledge of the Factorum Malleus project to be able to recreate it.[2]

"Downfall: Part One" (3x99)[]

When SILAHA arrived in Aeor in the skyship Venatoria after visiting Hawk's Hill, the captain of the ship, Marcus, asked him to put a good word for him with Selena, and the aeormaton told him that he would, so that he would stop bothering him and his companions.

"Downfall: Part Three" (3x101)[]

Umleta showed the mortal avatars the captured moment of Selena (along with Adamar Cadrow) meeting with the traitorous Acastriel and accepting from him a small glass talisman similar to the ones used by the mages of the city to hold their captive imps. When the mages looked into the talisman, they were horrified.

SILAHA casting Meteor Swarm - Sabira Langevin

Fan art of SILAHA casting Meteor Swarm, by Sabira Langevin.[art 1]

During the battle at the Factorum Malleus, Selena successfully saved against SILAHA's Meteor Swarm and was one of the very few combatants to survive it, although badly injured. After she was blinded during the battle, Selena tells SILAHA she wants to repent and embrace their light. However, she then threw the glass talisman containing the mortal avatar of a god into the path of destruction of the Factorum, using it as a distraction so that she could cast a Wish spell broadcasting all of the knowledge of how the weapon was created (which she was able to capture from SILAHA) into the minds of every mage within the city of Aeor. As the Factorum imploded, SILAHA embraced her as she broadcast to the mortal wizards of Aeor the command to flee with their new knowledge. Embraced by SILAHA, she was kept safe during the explosion of the Factorum, knowing that it was her dissemination of knowledge that ensured the entire city would be destroyed. SILAHA told her he was proud of her for creating such a beautiful weapon before pushing her through a Gate he had created to an unknown location.

Between the Calamity and Campaign Three[]

Selena stayed in the Arch Heart's realm for a long time, but she felt lost there, and was obsessed with the Wish she had cast. In order to give her a new purpose and a more "peaceful" form of existence, the god of the arts left a strand of their own divine hair with her and transformed her into a wishing star.[3][4]

"Under the Arch Heart's Eye" (3x107)[]

When Bells Hells were pulled into the Arch Heart's domain, the Arch Heart plucked a star from the sky and drew it in for the party to observe. Those who practiced magic could feel power radiating from the star and upon observation, Bells Hells saw a gaunt feminine face within, with eyes that burned with unyielding intensity; the face was only remaining part that appeared human. The party picked up on indecipherable whispers that sounded like a panicked mantra or wish. From the garbled words, Imogen Temult could make out the star saying "I wish the knowledge" and "the weapon, I want everyone to see it". The Arch Heart tells the party this was once someone dear to them but perhaps they no longer need them; it dawns on the party that the star was once Selena. Under the Arch Heart's direction, Imogen reached to pluck a hair held in the mouth of the star, which wrapped around her finger and became the Ring of Remembrance. As the ring manifested, the dissipating star groaned and sighed in relief as it unthreaded before exploding.[5]



Selena created SILAHA's aeormaton frame.[6] She always knew there was something different about him, but didn't want to believe it, and even when she got confirmation that he was a mortal incarnation of the Arch Heart, she didn't want to destroy him.

I have never been so proud of something as much as I have been of you. You've created something so beautiful, so pure. A weapon of destruction, yet preservation. You asked for the light. Then go.
S.I.L.A.H.A. before he pushes Selena through a Gate[7]

Adamar Cadrow[]

Adamar was, along with Selena and Cassida Previn, one of the three archmages of the city who created and knew the most about the Factorum Malleus project, although no one individual knew its full scope.[8]

Character information[]



  • Counterspell (3rd level)[9]
  • Teleport (7th level)[10]
  • Wish (9th level)[11]


  • A small glass encasement worn around her neck, handed to her by Acastriel[12] which contained The Knowing Mistress. She tossed it into the destruction path of the Factorum Malleus, where it was rescued by SILAHA.[13]

Appearances and mentions[]


  • (about SILAHA) I think some part of me always knew. I don't want to destroy something this beautiful.[14]
  • (while broadcasting knowledge of the Factorum throughout the city) What we have worked and strived and bled for, let no god take away.[15]


  • In both "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) and the episode's Cooldown aftershow, Brennan Lee Mulligan emphasized that Selena's Wish sent the knowledge to every "flesh and blood" wizard within the city.[16]
  • Selena's final fate was initially unknown. When asked about where he thought the Arch Heart sent Selena, Nick Marini commented "his afterlife I think?".[17]
  • Abubakar Salim, who played as Arch Heart and acted as the Dungeon Master when Bells Hells was within the Arch Heart's domain, commented that he wanted to tie up lingering threads for his character from Downfall in "Under the Arch Heart's Eye" (3x107).[18] He explained that Selena would have been feeling lost in the Arch Heart's domain so she was turned into a star because she wanted her wish so strongly; he based this upon the phrase "a wish upon a star".[18]


  1. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 0:43:03.
  2. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 0:59:58.
  3. See CR Cooldown | C3 E107 (subscription required). (Transcript).
  4. See "Under the Arch Heart's Eye" (3x107) at 4:21:41.
  5. See "Under the Arch Heart's Eye" (3x107).
  6. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 0:42:57.
  7. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 5:32:21.
  8. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 1:00:04.
  9. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 3:56:11.
  10. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 3:13:27.
  11. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 4:07:56.
  12. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 4:53:44.
  13. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 4:56:52.
  14. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 3:05:43.
  15. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 4:57:28.
  16. See CR Cooldown C3 E101 (subscription required) Transcript. "Selena has sent to all these flesh and blood wizards of the city a seed of the knowledge of the Factorum"
  17. Marini, Nick. (August 6, 2024). "August AMA". Beacon Discord (subscription required). Full quote: "to his afterlife I think?"
  18. 18.0 18.1 See CR Cooldown C3 E107 on Beacon at 04:25, 11:26. (subscription required).


  1. Fan art of SILAHA casting Meteor Swarm, by Sabira Langevin (source). Used with permission.