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Seething Storm is a 3rd-level spell that creates a roiling storm that deals lighting and force damage to creatures in its area.[4]


Seething Storm requires one action to cast, with verbal, somatic, and material components. The spell creates a lightly obscured[5] 20-foot radius[6] stormy sphere of difficult terrain that blinds creatures within it.[7]

Each creature that starts its turn in the area takes 2d6 lightning damage.[8] Creatures that end their turn in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 force damage[9] on a failure.[1]


Imogen Temult cast the spell multiple times in Campaign Three:

Behind the Scenes[]

Seething Storm is a reskin of the spell Hunger of Hadar, dealing lightning and force damage instead of cold and acid damage.[1] This change was made to keep Imogen's lightning and psionic spells theme consistent.[13]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Seething Storm is a reskin of Hunger of Hadar. The mechanics of Seething Storm are identical to Hunger of Hadar except where otherwise noted.
  2. 2.0 2.1 See "Ruidus" (3x83) at 1:13:45.
  3. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 3:47:29.  The only known caster of this spell so far is Imogen, an Aberrant Mind sorcerer
  4. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 3:49:16.
  5. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 2:38:54.
  6. See "Ruidus" (3x83) at 1:13:55.
  7. See "Ruidus" (3x83) at 1:14:33.
  8. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 3:49:16.
  9. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 3:51:36.
  10. See "The Tunnels Below" (3x15) at 3:47:29.
  11. See "The Sorrow of Molaesmyr" (3x57) at 2:28:26.
  12. See "An Ancient Flame" (3x75) at 3:04:55.
  13. See "4-Sided Dive: Silken Secrets" (4SDx01) at 1:13:57.


  1. Fan art of Imogen casting Seething Storm, by 6ix.ty4 (source). Used with permission.