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Sarge is a drummer, halfling ranger, and member of Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe who joined the Glorious Ones. He was played by Tony Hale in "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81).

Sarge - Annalise Jensen

Official art of Sarge, by Annalise Jensen.[art 2]



Sarge has platinum white hair and vari-colored eyes: one dark blue eye and one light blue. He is accompanied by an enormous white tiger named Ethel.



Sarge used to be the jester of the Uludan family of Nicodranas, and was very loved by them. Despite this, when one of the relatives of the marquis killed a merchant, during or before 790 PD,[3] in order to avoid controversy, the family used Sarge as a scapegoat, forcing him to dye his hair and flee (and involuntarily causing the vengeful soul of the murdered to end up bound to the halfling). It was during his time as a fugitive that the ranger encountered Ethel, bonding with the tiger, which became his companion.[4]

"Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81)[]

At some point before 795 PD[5] Sarge was hired, along with other mercenaries, to protect the people of Drobaganos during the Musetide Festival. They became an adventuring group that the halfling dubbed "the Glorious Ones". Although initially there was a slight cautiousness with the group (and Bramble even used her Speak with Animals to ask Ethel if Sarge was a nice guy), eventually they warmed up and, while trying to help a local woman called Ligeia, Sarge shared his traumatic past in Nicodranas. While they were talking, the ranger noticed angelic chanting nearby, and found the Grove of Enlightenment, where there was a particularly impressive apple; although he was suspicious at first, he took it, and the fruit told him that it would grant him strength when he needed it. Shortly after some kobolds attacked the Glorious Ones, and when the fight was over Sarge saw the ghost of the murdered merchant that was haunting him.

When the group finally arrived to the shore, Ligeia was received by two other women, but Sarge noticed that their appearance, behavior and walking was strange; his instinct proved to be right when the three of them revealed to be sirens and took an enchanted Bobby Socks with them to sacrifice him in a cave. The adventurers followed them (hidden by Sarge's Pass without Trace), and as the fey witches were trying to do a ritual to control a crab entity called the Dreamer, the mercenaries disturbed the process (with Ranthiel Volthor's Counterspell), rescued their friend and attacked. Although with some difficulty (Scanlan was knocked unconscious and had to be healed), the Glorious Ones managed to kill of the sirens, leaving the Dreamer alone; Sarge, believing the great crab was an enemy, ate his sentient apple (which screamed during the whole process), obtaining great power that he used to kill the big animal. It was after returning to Drobaganos with crab meat that they discovered that the Dreamer was in fact a protective spirit for the villagers. To avoid problems in case they discovered the great crab was dead, the Glorious Ones decided to sail to Tal'Dorei with Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe, and Sarge went with them, while his spectral and unwanted companion was still asking him to avenge them.


Character information[]

Notable items[]

  • Drums[6]
  • Blowgun with two poisonous darts[7]
  • Shortsword[8]

Former items[]

  • Sentient apple from the Grove of Enlightenment. When consumed, it grants 50 temporary HP, advantage on ability checks and attack rolls, and extra 8d12 damage in the next attacks.[9]



Halfling abilities[]

  • Lucky
  • Brave
  • Nimble

Ranger abilities[]

  • Favored Enemy
  • Natural Explorer
  • Fighting Style
  • Spellcasting
  • Ranger Archetype: Beast Master
    • Ethel, his tiger companion
  • Primeval Awareness
  • Extra Attack
Ranger spells[]
2nd level[]
  • Pass without Trace[11]

Appearances and mentions[]



  1. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 1:58:25.
  2. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:11:07.
  3. It happened five years before "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81), which takes place in a time in Scanlan's life when he's still inexpert and lacks confidence, and by the end of it he's trying to behave more like the charismatic Ranthiel Volthor. Since between 795 and 796 PD Scanlan had a messy affair with a member of the Darrington Estate staff that forced the bard and his troupe to leave, presumably the gnome's time with the Glorious Ones preceded this incident in Deastok. For more information see "Curious Tides" (1x89) at 1:13:37 and "Talks Machina #17: 'Voice of the Tempest'" (TMx17) at 56:37
  4. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:27:15.
  5. "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) takes place in a time in Scanlan's life when he's still inexpert and lacks confidence, and by the end of it he's trying to behave more like the charismatic Ranthiel Volthor. Since between 795 and 796 PD Scanlan had a messy affair with a member of the Darrington Estate staff that forced the bard and his troupe to leave, presumably the gnome's time with the Glorious Ones preceded this incident in Deastok. For more information see "Curious Tides" (1x89) at 1:13:37 and "Talks Machina #17: 'Voice of the Tempest'" (TMx17) at 56:37
  6. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:10:56.
  7. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:53:25.
  8. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 1:37:29.
  9. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 2:15:13.
  10. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:41:37.
  11. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 1:22:51.


  1. Official art of Sarge, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.
  2. Official art of Sarge, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.