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The Plate of the Dawnmartyr is a set of armor and is one of the powerful Vestiges of Divergence.


Also known as the "Beacon of Protection" to the chosen of Pelor, the Plate was originally worn by the High Priest of Pelor, Duana, as she fell in the battle of Ghor Dranas.[1]

Kamaljiori told Vox Machina that the Plate of the Dawnmartyr was gathering dust on a wall in the City of Brass in the Elemental Plane of Fire.[2] The armor was a trophy won by a fire giant in a card game from the Sutan bloodline that once donned it.[3]

Vox Machina met with the owner of the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, Juuraiel, in the City of Brass. Scanlan challenged her to a game of Gambit of Ord, bidding all of Vox Machina against the plate, but lost four out four rounds. The fire giant promised to grant them their freedom, as well as the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, if they killed a pit fiend named Ghurrix who had slain Juuraiel's lover.[4] Vox Machina set out to slay Ghurrix, succeeded, and returned to Juuraiel, who fulfilled her end of the deal by freeing them and giving them the Plate of the Dawnmartyr from her collection. It was immediately donned by Pike Trickfoot, in its exalted state.[5]


The Plate is a set of brass[6] (or brass-and-gold[7]) armor. When worn, its beautiful silver[7][8] (and/or brass[9]) inlay/scrolling glows, the priceless cut rubies[7][10] gleam, and the air around the armor is distorted as if by heat.[11]


Dormant State[]

  • The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
  • When struck by a melee attack, the wearer may use their reaction to cause the attacker to suffer 1d6 points of fire damage.

Awakened State[]

  • The bonus to AC from this armor increases to a +2.
  • The wearer gains immunity to the frightened condition.
  • The wearer gains resistance to fire damage.
  • The damage inflicted on an attacker by the armor increases to 2d6 fire damage.

Exalted State[]

As described in Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn:[12]

  • The bonus to AC from this armor increases to a +3.
  • When the wearer rebukes an attacker, they can choose to deal either fire damage or radiant damage.
  • If the wearer is knocked unconscious by an attack or spell, a blast of healing flame surrounds them. The wearer immediately regains 1 hit point and is lifted to their feet. All enemy creatures within 10 feet of the wearer suffer 2d6 fire or radiant damage. The wearer cannot use this ability again until the next dawn.

However, the armor as described and used during the stream was:

  • The bonus to AC from this armor increases to a +3.
  • If the wearer is knocked unconscious by an attack or spell, a blast of healing flame surrounds them. The wearer immediately regains 5 hit points and is lifted to their feet. All harmful creatures within 15 feet of the wearer must make a dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 fire damage, half damage on a success. The wearer cannot use this ability again until the next dawn.[13][14]


  1. See "Brawl in the Arches" (1x76) at 3:28:48.
  2. See "A Name Is Earned" (1x49) at 4:45:15.
  3. See Matthew Mercer's list of Vestiges shared on Dropbox.
  4. See "Where the Cards Fall" (1x75) from 1:56:33 through 1:59:16.
  5. See "Brawl in the Arches" (1x76) from 3:21:52 through 3:26:12.
  6. See "Where the Cards Fall" (1x75) at 1:31:50.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, p. 115.
  8. See "Where the Cards Fall" (1x75) at 1:31:50.
  9. See "Brawl in the Arches" (1x76) at 3:25:43.
  10. See "Where the Cards Fall" (1x75) at 1:31:50.
  11. See "Brawl in the Arches" (1x76) at 3:25:43.
  12. See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, p. 208.
  13. See "Brawl in the Arches" (1x76) at 3:29:25.
  14. See "Race to the Tower" (1x102) at 4:14:05.


  1. Fan art of the Plate of the Dawnmartyr, by David Rodrigues (source). Used with permission.