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Oscar Grimm is impeccably dressed but rough and ready with the scars to prove it. He is played by Sam Riegel.


Oscar is about 5 feet 6 inches tall, and stout, with broad chest and shoulders, weighing about 200 pounds. He has sandy blond hair and a well-groomed mustache. Almost all of his visible flesh bears scars, his fingers appear to have been broken and badly healed, and he walks with a limp. When first seen, he was very well dressed in a sharp three-piece suit with a heavy gold watch chain and a black overcoat. He was constantly sucking on hard candies.[3]

Oscar has said that whenever he is in the presence of strong bleed, his various scars and healed wounds feel better, and he feels stronger, but also feels shame that this is true.[4]



Eighty-seven years prior to the events of the Circle of Tide and Bone, Oscar somehow became immortal. At that time, Oscar was a circus performer calling himself "The Great Grimm", having changed his name for professional reasons. He and his family, including his wife Cora, brother Quentin, daughter Iris, and ten-year-old son Cosmo were on a ship returning from a performance, when The Serious Man suddenly appeared onboard. The Serious Man performed some kind of ritual which split the ship in two, and as Oscar tumbled into the center of the maelstrom, he pushed Cosmo back, away from the edge, although the rest of the family was lost.[5] Oscar was left with a strange immortality that costs him part of his memories and personality each time his life is restored, which feels at the same time both wrong and good.[6] He has spent the intervening years attempting to find a cure but has failed, while slowly losing all his memories, and is on the verge of giving up.[7]

He was hired by Cordelia Glask to work as a bouncer/security guard at the Glass Cat Casino.

"Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01)[]

"Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02)[]


Originally, Oscar was introduced as Cosmo's grandson. However, during the course of "Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01), it was revealed that Oscar is actually Cosmo's father, seemingly unable to die although having to give up a major part of his memories and/or personality each time he is restored to life.[2]

Character information[]

Notable items[]

  • An approximately four-foot-long piece of chain[8]


  • Muscle Ability: Behind Me[9]
  • Soldier Ability: "Hard Hitter" (modified Sharpshooter)[10]

Appearances and mentions[]


  • "A memory, a skill, a friend, an image-- I've lost them all, every time I'm killed. I don't remember my other kid. I've forgotten most of my wife. I lost some of my charisma, my performance ability. I don't really have anything else to lose."[11]
  • "Every scar hurts, but they hurt a little less when you get revenge."[12]


  • He's named after his own player, whose middle name is Oscar.
    • The name itself could come from Old English, combining the elements ōs (god) and gār (spear). It could also come from Middle Irish, from the combination of os (deer) and cara (friend).


  1. See "Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01) from 21:53 through 21:57.
  2. 2.0 2.1 See "Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01) from 3:03:39 through 3:05:43.  See also at 4:14:12.
  3. See "Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01) from 19:10 through 20:20.
  4. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) at 2:10:34.
  5. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) from 15:05 through 19:40.
  6. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) from 19:40 through 20:22.  See also from 21:20 through 21:40.
  7. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) from 22:40 through 23:05.
  8. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) at 0:57:20.
  9. See "Candela Obscura: Candles in the Dark" (CO3x03) at 3:23:10.
  10. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) at 0:59:25.
  11. See "Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01) at 3:02:42.
  12. See "Candela Obscura: The Guardian of Groundswell" (CO3x02) at 1:00:30.


  1. Official art of Oscar Grimm, by Kent Davis (source). Used with permission.