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Nogvurot is a city on the northern end of the Dwendalian Empire,[2] east of Rexxentrum[3] and southwest of the Quannah Breach.

City Description

The southwestern part of the city is the Peddler's Row, with craft guilds and a muddy but colorful marketplace for travelers on the Glory Run Road. The larger northwestern part of the city is the Scatters, where most of the population lives in ramshackle buildings and is served by modest temples and dive taverns. The eastern part of the city, the Aegis Block, houses most of the soldiers stationed in the city.


Nearly half the population is military reserve for the Righteous Brand, with over six thousand troops present at any time. Others are crafters, farmers, or connected to the small mine at the base of the Dunrock Mountains north of town. Petty crime is minimal, but smuggling from the Greying Wildlands has fed corruption among the troops stationed here.[4]


Being a major stop along the Glory Run Road and a military outpost has given Nogvurot a fair-sized population of 15,270. Most of the town is human (70%), but there are minorities of dwarves (17%) and elves (8%) too.[1]

Notable People

Name Type Description
Members of the Stubborn Stock NPC Stationed in Nogvurot. They participated in the Victory Pit in Zadash.[5]
Tyffial Wase NPC Member of the Tombtakers who ended up here as a bodyguard following Nonagon's death.[6]
Starosta Brumae Luddie NPC Crown-appointed starosta for 15 years. Respected retired general of the Righteous Brand.
Lady Quinn Denzala NPC Presumably a real person belonging to the noble class that administers the city, impersonated by Ophelia Mardoon when traveling in the Empire.[7]



In 835 PD, the city was plagued by several abductions, with children going missing. This news spread through the Empire, enough that townsfolk in Zadash were told by town criers to seal their windows and doors while they slept. Xhorhasians were the presumed culprits in these instances.[8]

As the Stubborn Stock was stationed in Nogvurot, they were twice called upon to investigate the kidnappings. In his conversation with the Mighty Nein during the Harvest Close Festival, Darrow revealed that the group had discovered the individuals were stolen in a particular way. He stopped himself before revealing any other details.[9][10]

Subsequently, the Mighty Nein were told by Essek Thelyss that a great battle had been fought approximately 13–14 years ago near Nogvurot, where a Luxon Beacon was present. The souls of consecuted slain soldiers were reborn into local children, who when they reached adolescence began to remember their past lives. The Dynasty was helping them to return to Kryn society.[11]


  • The name Nogvurot bears a resemblance to the Russian Novgorod, meaning "newtown."
  • To prepare for their overland trip from Shadycreek Run to Zadash, Ophelia Mardoon told the Mighty Nein, "Should anyone ask along our journeys, I am Lady Quinn Denzala of Nogvurot going to see my ailing mother in Deastok."[12]


  1. 1.0 1.1 See See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, p. 100.
  2. See 9x08 at 0:46:01.
  3. See 10x06 at 1:41:10.
  4. See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, pp. 100–101.
  5. See 10x05 at 1:43:10.
  6. See 10x03 at 20:06.
  7. See "The Journey Home" (2x30) at 1:55:38.
  8. See 9x09 at 1:28:20.
  9. See 10x05 at 1:43:10.
  10. See 10x05 at 1:44:53.
  11. See "Stone to Clay" (2x91) at 0:34:53.
  12. See "The Journey Home" (2x30) at 1:55:38.


  1. DDB Explorer's Guide to Wildemount - Sources on D&D Beyond. This file is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
