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Father Milo Cowst was a priest of the Dawnfather during the Calamity. As an NPC, Milo is played by Brennan Lee Mulligan. Milo was a mortal avatar of the god Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells; however, he disguised himself as Arcadia Cerenvetorix during the Fall of Aeor, and the Milo known to the other Prime avatars was in fact merely an illusion.[1]



Milo Cowst - Ed Palhares

Fan art of Father Milo, by Ed Palhares.[art 2]

Milo looked like an old man with white hair, wielding a staff.[2]


He had a hurtful sense of humor and seemed to enjoy the anguish of others, and the insecurity that comes of their trying to distinguish lies and truth. Despite his position as an alleged priest of Pelor, he had an irreverent attitude towards the god and sacred places, and took opportunities to poke fun at him.[3]



After the main Exandrian pantheon agreed to collaborate in a plan to neutralize Aeor and their potentially dangerous technology, Asmodeus was one of only four of the Betrayer Gods to commit to it. Thus, he was born as a mortal man that grew up to become, ironically enough, a priest of the Dawnfather. When he reached middle age, following the divine plan he traveled to Aeor with three other incarnations of Betrayer Gods.[4]

"Downfall: Part One" (3x99)[]

The mortal gods met beneath an abandoned temple in Aeor, where they talked about their plans to deal with the Factorum Malleus. Arcadia Cerenvetorix (Ioun incarnated) proposed to spend a week or two investigating together, but Milo argued that they should hurry, telling them that an angel had recently entered the Genesis Ward and suggesting that one of the Prime Deities was sabotaging their plan. During their conversation, the priest was scathing, commenting that they were missing people in their team because the Betrayer Gods were difficult to deal with, and the ones representing the Raven Queen and the Lawbearer (Emhira and The Emissary) didn't count as gods. When he noticed that Ayden was a cleric of the Everlight, he found it funny, and declared he was glad she still had followers, since Asmodeus had destroyed most of them at the beginning of the Calamity.

Eventually they decided they had to destroy the Eravox Protocol first (since it was the way Aeor had to spread information across Exandria), and they divided into teams, with Ayden being determined to stay with Father Milo to keep an eye on him. Along with Trist and Arcadia Cerenvetorix, their goal was to search for a passage into the Genesis Ward.

"Downfall: Part Two" (3x100)[]

Arcadia, Father Milo, Trist, and Ayden found their way to a hospital seen by Trist in a vision of a recent worshiper. Father Milo melted the lock and they entered, although he and Ayden left the boy's room together as Trist healed him. Milo suggested to Ayden that the gods' truce could continue even after this night, showing his disdain for the mortals he regarded as his playthings by contorting and controlling a mortal doctor. Ayden stopped him, telling him they didn't have the right to harm mortals and that Milo's rage hurt them all. Milo skulked out into the courtyard, not returning until just before Archmage Cassida teleported them to the rest of the party at the Obtenebrator Engine.

"Downfall: Part Three" (3x101)[]

During the battle at the Factorum Malleus, Milo joined the other mortal avatars but took no actions. With the destruction of the seven wards guarding the device, the avatars gained (among many other powers) Truesight. As they did, Father Milo disappeared. It was later confirmed that Milo had been an illusion created by Asmodeus before the other avatars arrived in the city.[5]

Character information[]

Father Milo - Kuyaserge

Fan art of Father Milo, by Kuyaserge.[art 3]

Notable items[]

  • Staff


  • Father Milo was able to melt a padlock by clasping it within his hands.[6]

Appearances and mentions[]


  • (greeting the other mortal incarnations of the gods) "I am, as ever, an open channel for the Lord of the Sun. Let him speak to me if he would. It has been a joy to sow his light. Hello, family."[7]
  • (about the other Betrayers) "Ah, it's like herding cats. (laughs) You'd be amazed what the moniker of 'Betrayer' will do to people's sense of cohesion."[8]
  • (to Cassida Previn) "Well, your taxonomy is altered slightly. You perceive a world in which the brightest, sharpest line is drawn between good and evil. The line actually exists between those who matter and those who don't, sweet little mortal. We're on one side of that line together, a family."[9]



  1. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) at 0:33:33.  Brennan clarified that Father Milo was an illusion the entire time.
  2. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:13:09.
  3. See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 1:52:05.  Milo "prayed" to the Dawnfather to allow them entry through a locked door as he melted the lock.
  4. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:04:39.
  5. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) at 0:33:33.
  6. See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 1:52:05.
  7. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:15:29.
  8. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:40:53.
  9. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 0:37:22.


  1. Fan art of Father Milo, by Nico Silva (source). Used with permission.
  2. Fan art of Father Milo, by Ed Palhares (source). Used with permission.
  3. Fan art of Father Milo, by Kuyaserge (source). Used with permission.