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Critical Role Wiki

Midst: Ripples is the third and final issue of the three-issue comic miniseries based on the Midst podcast.

The comic was written by Kendra Wells with art by Vash Taylor and cover art by William Kirkby. It was originally scheduled for publication on 8 January 2025 but delayed to 12 February.[1]

"We've always been pretty adamant that 'Midst' is and has always been more than just a podcast," Xen, one of the original creators of the podcast, said in an interview. "We're still exploring new ways to expand that cosmos."[2]

Publisher's summary[]

“We begin and end in darkness. Between the ripples of the Fold, we beg safe passage…” Something bright has landed in the woods beyond the town of Frisk, and strange things begin to happen as a result. Ten-year-old Daggle can’t tamp down his curiosity about the unusual light and the changes it creates. While townsfolk fear his interest, it might be the key to everything when others arrive to this nestled little islet within the Fold…
Publisher's summary[1]


The third issue of the new Midst series was scheduled for publication by Dark Horse Comics on 8 January 2025. Each oversized issue was planned to tell a new story with a new creative team.



UPC Released Publisher Format Price Ref.
7 61568 01272 9 00111 12 February 2025 Dark Horse Comics Oversized comic book $7.99 [1]

External links[]



  1. Cover of Midst: Ripples, by William Kirkby (source). This file is a copyrighted work. Its use in this article is asserted to qualify as fair use of the material under United States copyright law.