Critical Role Wiki

This wiki contains spoilers for the entirety of Critical Role and The Legend of Vox Machina. Proceed at your own risk!


Critical Role Wiki
Critical Role Wiki
(still working on borders)
(trying to make the drop-down/expand arrows darker)
Line 432: Line 432:
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-horizontal-group-item {
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-horizontal-group-item {
background-color: #EFF0FF;
background-color: #EFF0FF;
color: black;
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-secondary-background,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-secondary-background,

Revision as of 23:03, 17 October 2017

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/* VeganCritter's Combat Log Buttons:  button-hover style */
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/*  End VeganCritter's spacing adjustments  */

/*  Begin VeganCritter's image adjustments  */
/* Adds a colored frame around image thumbnails in articles, inspired by w:c:avatar. */
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/*   End VeganCritter's image adjustments   */

/*  Begin VeganCritter's "crtable" Class  */
/* This is modelled after class="wikitable", but using the same colors
   as Infobox Character and Infobox Episode.                           */
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table.crtable > caption {font-weight:bold}
/*   End VeganCritter's "crtable" Class  */

/*  Begin VeganCritter's clickable table cells  */
/* Allows a table with class "clicktable" or a cell with class "clickcell" to be hyperlinkable through the entirety of the cell. */

table.clicktable {overflow: hidden;}

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table.clicktable td:focus::after,
table.clicktable th:focus::after {background-color: lightblue !important;}

table.clicktable td a,
table.clicktable td a:hover,
table.clicktable td a:hover::after,
table.clicktable td a:focus::before {display:block;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;}

/* Same as clicktable, but for a single cell only. */
td.clickcell {overflow: hidden}
td.clickcell a {margin: -1em; padding: 1em; display: block;}
td.clickcell a:hover {background-color: #ffa;}
/*   End VeganCritter's clickable table cells   */

/*  Begin VeganCritter's Critical Role Quotes  */
.crquotebox + .crquotebox,
.crquotebox + p,
p + .crquotebox,
dl + .crquotebox,
ol + .crquotebox,
ul + .crquotebox,
pre + .crquotebox,
p + figure + .crquotebox,
p + figure + .crquotebox + p,
.crinfoboxchar + .crquotebox,
.crinfoboxep + .crquotebox { margin-top:1em; }

h2 + div.crquoteboxleft + p,
h2 + div.crquoteboxright + p,
h3 + div.crquoteboxleft + p,
h3 + div.crquoteboxright + p,
h4 + div.crquoteboxleft + p,
h4 + div.crquoteboxright + p,
h5 + div.crquoteboxleft + p,
h5 + div.crquoteboxright + p,
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div.crquoteboxright + div.crquoteboxcenter { padding-top:0.5em; }

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.crquoteboxwithimage figcaption { display:table-row; }

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/*   End VeganCritter's Critical Role Quotes   */

/*  Begin VeganCritter's Div Columns  */
h2 + div.crdivcolumns > div > h3,
h3 + div.crdivcolumns > div > h4,
h4 + div.crdivcolumns > div > h5,
h5 + div.crdivcolumns > div > h6 { margin-top:0em; }

/*   End VeganCritter's Div Columns   */

/* Temporary fix for [[w:c:dev:LastEdited]] always showing an animated loading bar. */
div.lastEdited + div.lastEdited { display:none; }

/* Portable infobox formatting for Infobox Episode */
/* Unaired = true */
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-true .pi-horizontal-group-item { 
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.portable-infobox.pi-theme-true .pi-secondary-background,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-true .pi-title{ 
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.portable-infobox.pi-theme-true .pi-data,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-true .pi-caption{
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/* Unaired = false */
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.portable-infobox.pi-theme-false .pi-secondary-background,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-false .pi-title{ 
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    color: black;
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-false .pi-data,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-false .pi-caption {
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/* Portable infobox formatting for Infobox Character */
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-horizontal-group-item { 
    background-color: #EFF0FF;
    color: black;
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-secondary-background,
.portable-infobox.pi-theme-character .pi-title{
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    color: black;
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