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Lathras was a small flying city soaring through the skies of Exandria during the Age of Arcanum.

As of the eve of the Calamity, there were people in the flying city of Avalir who kept being informed about the activities of other cities like theirs. According to Loras of the Weaver's Mask, they had received information that Aeor was preparing to attack Lathras, even though the smaller city posed no threat, because they wanted to test a weapon. The rulers of Avalir, while not concerned about Lathras itself, took its potential destruction as a warning to take action and address Aeor as a dangerous force.[1]


Aeor by Clara

Official art of Aeor, by Clara.[art 1]

  • It was theorized that the weapon Aeor wanted to test was their Factorum Malleus (or at least connected to it), designed to fight divine forces. However, although it has been confirmed that the Factorum Malleus was successfully tested,[2][3] by the eve of the flying city's fall they were preparing for said test, so Lathras was not destroyed because of the Factorum Malleus.
  • Like many other societies of their time, it is very possible that Lathras fell or was destroyed before the Divergence.
    • If Aeor caused its destruction, it would be the only known case of a floating city causing another city's annihilation.


  1. See "Excelsior" (E3x01) at 2:04:06.
  2. See "The Genesis Ward" (2x135) at 1:11:20.
  3. See "4-Sided Dive: Swordgate" (4SDx24) at 0:36:53.


  1. Official art of Aeor, by Clara (source). Used with permission.