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The House of the Lawbearer[1] is a temple of Erathis located in the central square of Whitestone. Before 812 PD,[2] it was known as the The Lady's Chamber.[3]


House of the Lawbearer is a large, stone, half-dome amphitheater built to face the crossroads. The temple has a small courtyard built around it, encapsulated by a small three-foot stone wall.[4] Attached to the back of the amphitheater is a square, brick building used as a sitting room. The room contains a stove, tea set, and shelves bearing sculptures and holy symbols bearing names, used to archive the legacy of the keepers of the House of the Lawbearer.[5]

After 812 PD,[6] a permanent Zone of Truth spell was in place over the building and is both a place of worship and a stately courthouse. All visitors are sworn to tell the truth by vigilant clerics. This protection is fallible but sends a clear message to all who enter.[1]

Notable People[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, p. 78.
  2. See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, p. 49. Labeled as "House of the Lawbearer" on the map by Andy Law.
  3. See "Whispers" (1x29) at 2:02:43.
  4. See "Whispers" (1x29) from 1:56:59 through 2:02:59.
  5. See "Whispers" (1x29) from 2:28:55 through 2:30:00.
  6. The Zone of Truth was not present during Campaign One, nor was it described in the Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting'.