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The Heart of Whitestone is a majestic clock tower in Forlington Square, in the Northern Ward of Whitestone. It was built by Lord Percival de Rolo as a personal years-long project and a tribute to his friends from Vox Machina.

Appearance and function[]

The clock tower is three stories tall and very intricate, with astonishing carvings that move thanks to the gears of the device.[3] Several important moments and people are represented in the clock in different ways, such as embellishments, and once a year,[4] the whole story of Vox Machina (who have an inscription honoring their work protecting the realm)[5] is told through the figures and mechanisms;[6] in a similar way, there are specific individual movements for most major holidays.[2]

The Heart of Whitestone is also designed to track the movements of the two moons of Exandria (Catha and Ruidus), as well as those of stars, spheres,[2] and Planes of Existence.[7]



Fan art of the construction of the clock tower, by Lap Pun Cheung.[art 2]

After the main adventures of Vox Machina came to and end and the members had the opportunity to settle down and have more peaceful lives with individual projects, Percy de Rolo and his wife, Lady Vex'ahlia, returned to Whitestone. He decided to start the construction of a clock tower in the city-state, knowing perfectly well that the process would take years.[8] He chose the Forlington Square (named after one of the first families that settled in the city) as the place to build this monument, since it was in front of Whitestone Castle, and although he had help in the process, the gunslinger was the one who designed the clock tower, and only he really understands its complex mechanisms.[2]

The Heart of Whitestone was officially finished in 831 PD, but since then Lord de Rolo has been adding small changes and modifications to make his creation more functional, as well as more aesthetically beautiful. By 836 PD the clock tower is considered Lord de Rolo's greatest creation,[9] and the area in which it is located is bustling with activity, attracting locals and tourists who come to visit the shops, watch the street performers and admire the monument itself. The Heart of Whitestone has also attracted the interest of scholars and esotericists that love to investigate about the tower and its many mysteries; there's even a rumor for a long time about a secret vault within the monument that Percy uses to safeguard his most dangerous inventions.[2]

In 843 PD Ashton Greymoore and Fearne Calloway visited the clock, and although the druid left early, the genasi stayed around and got the chance to watch the annual representation of the story of Vox Machina.[10]

In 911 PD, although Percival de Rolo is already dead, he is remembered as a master inventor, with the Heart of Whitestone still standing not only as his magnum opus, but also as a national treasure of Tal'Dorei.[11]


  • The real-life inspiration for this clock tower is the Prague Orloj.[12]
  • There is an illustration of the clock tower with notes written by Percy, and it is dedicated to his wife, Lady Vex'ahlia, with the caption "I couldn't have asked for a better dream".[13] It is unknown if the dedication is limited to said illustration, to the plans of the monument, or if the Heart of Whitestone itself was dedicated to Lady de Rolo, even if it was intended to honor all members of Vox Machina.
  • It is unknown what exactly are the "spheres" that the clock tower tracks.
    • The astronomers of Ancient Greece believed that planets and stars were attached to celestial spheres made of ether that moved around our world. It is possible that the "spheres" that the Heart of Whitestone tracks are other planets, since it is confirmed that some are visible in the night sky of Exandria.[14]
    • In Dungeons and Dragons lore, "crystal spheres" are supposed to contain different worlds or even entire planetary systems, but it is unknown if this is considered canon in Critical Role.



  1. Fan art of the Heart of Whitestone, by shalizeh7 ([The Chronicles of Exandria - The Legend of Vox Machina Volume II, p. 236 source]). Used with permission.
  2. Fan art of the construction of the clock tower, by Lap Pun Cheung (source). Used with permission.