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Hallis was the son of Archmage Cassida Previn of Aeor. As an NPC, Hallis is played by Brennan Lee Mulligan.


Hallis was a 11 year old who was very weakened by his disease, and was hospitalized and dying when Trist, the mortal avatar of Sarenrae, the Everlight, healed him. When first seen, he was extremely gaunt and had difficulty breathing and resting.[2]


In Aeor's hospital - Sabira Langevin

Fan art of Trist healing Hallis, by Sabira Langevin.[art 1]

Hallis was the child of Archmage Cassida Previn, who was a secret worshipper of The Everlight. When Hallis became ill, Cassida prayed fervently for his cure, and when Trist appeared at his bedside, she accepted the goddess' aid and was beyond happy when Hallis was cured by her, waking to announce he was hungry.

When Cassida realized the intentions of the gods who had infiltrated Aeor, she pledged to help them but begged for her son's life.[3] In the moments before Aeor crashed into Eiselcross, The Matron of Ravens saved Hallis and sent him to an unknown location in Exandria.[4]


Appearances and mentions[]



  • It is unknown if Hallis has his mother's surname.
  • In the moment before the Factorum Malleus was destroyed, Primarch Selena used the Wish spell to seed the knowledge of how to recreate it within all flesh and blood wizards of Aeor with the order to flee the city.[5][6] It is unknown if Hallis had magical capabilities and thus carried that seed of knowledge out of Aeor.
  • During 4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods, the cast has a realization about the implications of Hallis escaping Aeor after Selena's Wish:
    Brennan Lee Mulligan: "This weapon now lives in the mind of every mortal wizard in Aeor."
    Laura Bailey (who played as The Matron): "Oh my god, what if when I bamfed out that kid Hallis. What if I let the seed live because he got, like, a little tidbit even though he's a kid?"
    Brennan Lee Mulligan: "He was a kid? (gasps) You never know. Did he know what it was? Did he tell anybody?"
    Laura Bailey: (gasps)
    Taliesin Jaffe: "Is it being passed down?"
    Brennan Lee Mulligan: "Depends on who that kid is."
    Laura Bailey: "What did I do?"[7]


  1. See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 2:06:16.  Trist healed him so effectively that she gave him health points uniquely high for a common child.
  2. See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 1:58:50.
  3. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 0:48:30.
  4. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 5:30:45.
  5. See "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) at 5:08:37.
  6. See CR Cooldown C3 E101 (subscription required) Transcript. "Selena has sent to all these flesh and blood wizards of the city a seed of the knowledge of the Factorum"
  7. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) at 1:01:42.


  1. Fan art of Trist healing Hallis, by Sabira Langevin (source). Used with permission.