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Critical Role Wiki

The Gold Chain is a high end mercenary company from the Menagerie Coast. Members can be identified by a gold chain around their necks and the hilts of their swords.[1] They number around a couple of hundred, and have a reputation of being ruthless.[2]


The Gold Chain Mercenary Company began as a group of disgruntled Zhelezo who managed to buy out their contracts and become a bodyguard service.[3] Ten years ago, their leader disappeared in Darktow. Since then, they haven't formally announced a leader, at least not one that is publicly known.[4]


  1. See "Domestic Respite" (2x62) at 1:02:49.
  2. See "Domestic Respite" (2x62) at 1:03:39.
  3. See "Domestic Respite" (2x62) at 1:02:15.
  4. See "Domestic Respite" (2x62) at 1:04:24.