Garathran was an angel of the Dawnfather that fought in the Calamity and abandoned his god during the divine truce. As an NPC, Garathran was played by Brennan Lee Mulligan.
Like many other planetars, Garathran was muscular, and had deep teal skin[1] and a hairless head. He had feathered wings that he hid under a cloak to avoid being noticed, and his eyes had a golden glow. He was described as looking "dour".[2]
Garathran was a planetar sworn to the service of the Celestial Heights, loyally fighting on the side of the Prime Deities under his commander Acastriel against the Betrayer Gods for many, many years. However, when most of the gods apparently deserted them after entering a truce with their enemies, he became bitter and angry at what he saw as their abandonment, and questioned the importance of the eternal fight against the Betrayers when it was seemingly easily dropped long enough to swat down an outside threat.
"Downfall: Part Two" (3x100)[]
Within the Ars Elysia, an ornate and beautiful nightclub in Aeor, the Aeormaton bartender pointed out Garathran's cloaked teal-skinned figure at the end of the bar when SILAHA asked if he had heard rumors of any celestials recently. The cloaked person had been coming the past few nights, most recently with an extremely tall other figure. SILAHA sat next to him and tried to converse, but Garathran kept his face turned away and requested solitude, then tried to leave. SILAHA, however, Commanded him to halt and revealed his celestial identity. Emhira wounded him with Shadow Blade, and as he attempted to flee SILAHA bent reality to animate the door to seize him and swallow him through time and space into a holding chamber within a pocket dimension.[3]

There, he was interrogated by them and revealed his anger, which SILAHA attempted to reduce but was rebuffed. Garathran told them that Acastriel was approaching and recruiting other celestials who questioned the gods' motives. Suddenly, saying that if they wanted the celestials to serve the gods, they should not have made them good, he pulled out his blade and cut his own throat, dying before them. Emhira immediately cast Speak With Dead, forcing him to tell her where his commander was hiding and about the other defenses around the Obtenebrator and Factorum Malleus.[4]
Appearances and mentions[]
- Campaign Three
- "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) (first appearance)
- "I have been angry. One by one, quiet, the Calamity fading, this great destruction, Domunas gone, Marquet burned, Exandrians dead, us marching to war over and over and over again for those that cannot die and seem unwilling to kill each other. Cries of misery and destruction were not enough to stay your hands. What stayed the hands of the gods? What called truce between you and the-- (sputters) What did you think? What did you think would happen when word spread throughout the celestial ranks? That we would wait for slaughter to commence again after the threat to you, and you alone, had been destroyed? I find you sickening."[5]
- "It's a war to us [the celestials]. To them [the gods], it is a squabble. Why did you make us? Why did you make all of this? When you knew that you were hurting this world, why didn't you just leave? [...] With deference to the hands that move creation, if you wanted to make us to serve the gods, you should not have made us good."[6]
- During his angry speech to SILAHA and Emhira, while he was describing the gods as sickening there was a moment in which his eyes produced fire.[7] It is unclear if this was meant to represent divine wrath (holy fire produced by the servant of a sun god) or signs of his falling from grace (infernal flames produced by an angel about to fall and become a devil).
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 1:14:48.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 1:24:46.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) from 1:24:46 through 1:33:53.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) from 2:46:59 through 3:05:17.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 2:49:05.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 2:53:13.
- ↑ See "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) at 2:50:42.
- ↑ Fan art of Garathran's death, by Adurna0 (source). Used with permission.