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Critical Role Wiki

Galtheid of the Ember Vigil is the Archmage of the city of Sruwargas, capital of the Taloned Highlands. As an NPC, Galtheid is played by Matthew Mercer.


Galtheid is a human. In 843, he was described as "older", with tanned, liver-spotted skin, short grey and white hair, and dressed in red and golden robes.[2]



Galtheid was involved in the Apex War.[3] He briefly attended a celebration and parade in Imogen Temult's tiny home town of Gelvaan, but was eager to leave what he viewed as the boondocks as soon as possible.[4]

"The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104)[]

After the apogee solstice of 843 PD, Galtheid attended the international meeting held in the Platinum Sanctuary of Vasselheim, representing the Stratos Throne. While the people there talked about different concerns regarding Ludinus Da'leth and his plans, Galtheid pointed out the dangerous tension that the ley lines of Exandria were experiencing and urged the destruction of the Bloody Bridge.

Appearances and mentions[]


  • "The ever tangled mess of the solstice continues to place stress upon the trellis of leylines, threatening an imminent unraveling of our world's magic as long as that Bloody Bridge continues to hold Ruidus in place. It must be destroyed."[5]



  1. Based on description and the fact that he was part of a war that started 20 years before.
  2. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:15:21.
  3. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:16:05.
  4. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:16:17.
  5. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:17:18.
  6. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:15:21.

