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"Fight for the Bloody Bridge" (3x114) is the one hundred fourteenth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina assail the Malleus Key, intent on rescuing the trapped Vax'ildan as enemies attack from all sides…



  • Tonight's sponsor is Nord VPN, who started sponsoring Critical Role almost exactly five years ago (in "A Tangled Web" (2x77), which aired 2019-09-05) and is their longest-running sponsor now. Sam buried a time capsule back then, which he now unearths, and consumes the petrified meatball sub he forgot in there.
  • Merch alert! The annual Critmas sale is now running in all CR shops through December 9th. Plus, there's a new Lavish Chateau bathrobe and matching pajamas. PLUS, Tusk Love comes to our world at last, releasing 21 July 2025 and available for pre-order now.
  • Bunch o' live shows coming up in the next year.
  • Queen by Midnight: Quarter Past now available, created by Producer Kyle Shire.

Previously on Critical Role[]

So, last we left off: the Mighty Nein and Bells Hells had trekked to Ruidus and had set up themselves at the point of plan divergence towards the core and the Weave Mind. Meanwhile, we came back to Vox Machina, that were helming the assault on the Malleus Key itself, and as such, drawing attention away from their more subtle plan within the depths of the red, ruddy moon. They gathered their forces, found old friends who are now centaurs, then prepared themselves in Vasselheim, gathered allies, bolstered themselves, and, joining a number of other skyships that descended after the initial beginnings of the assault, landed within the middle of the Tishtan excavation site, the massive ancient stronghold now risen through the psychic powers of the Weave Mind, broken and standing frightening. They battled their way through the core of where they had landed, heading towards where the Malleus Key currently stood. We left off just as they began to find the core of their goal.

Part I[]

Vox Machina gradually reach the area immediately surrounding the Malleus Key. Grog uses the Titanstone Knuckles to enlarge himself, while Keyleth recalls that the Luxon beacon must be removed from the tower before the orb containing Vax'ildan can be recovered. They realize reinforcements are continuing to arrive via the Bloody Bridge, and start moving forward in roughly two teams: Keyleth, Lieve'tel, and Scanlan will try to get the beacon, while the others provide cover. Lieve'tel casts Holy Aura on everyone; Keyleth casts Freedom of Movement on herself and Scanlan. Scanlan then Dimension Doors quite near the base of the Malleus Key. Percival releases a wind-up toy resembling Professor Anders toward the battle; Pike summons her wings via the Blessing of the Everlight. Vex'ahlia uses Fenthras and the Blazing Bowstring to shoot an explosive arrow, getting a critical hit on a Reiloran and killing him while wounding several defenders around him. The detonation, however, draws the attention of several other guards and initiative order begins.

Percival uses Bad News to attack a Reiloran Thought Eater but their psychic shield protects them from the damage and Bad News misfires on the second shot. Percy repairs it immediately and fires again, destroying the shield and wounding the reilora. Vex attacks the same one, while Keyleth (in earth elemental form) earth glides underground towards the tower. Suddenly, a gigantic vidulch flies in and lands bearing Sunder King Ozo Cruth on its back. Cruth directs the vidulch, Scrag, to attack, and it wounds Percy, Lieve'tel, and Vex'ahlia. Another Reiloran troop arrives from the Bloody Bridge, and the antimagic towers are starting to glow brighter revealing ghostly images of ancient armored Reilora conjuring them. Lieve'tel casts Freedom of Movement on herself and directs her summoned Planar Ally "the Harbinger" (a three-headed white raven) to fly her to the Malleus Key, although the raven takes damage from an attack of opportunity. Grog uses the Boots of Feral Leaping to get atop one of the dispel magic towers and draws their enemies' attention while attacking and destroying it. He then finds two young Ruby Vanguard soldiers hiding fearfully in a tent. Unable to see where in the Malleus Key the Luxon beacon is, Scanlan summons Scanlan's Hand and punches the tower with it ineffectually.

Ozo Cruth uses his glass sword "Carnage" to hit Vex from a distance and then pull her to him, although her Blessing of the Dawnfather causes him to take damage each time she is hit. Once Vex is in melee, Ozo attacks her with his mace "[[Bone Graver]", doing more damage. He then summons a massive armored and spined bane worm, "Vorak", from underground right in front of Grog, and it attacks and wounds him. Cerkonos casts Conjure Animals to create a pack of fiery peregrine falcons that attack and wound Cruth and his mount Scrag. Pike casts Sunburst on the Key and although it doesn't damage it, it lights it up making it easier to spot the beacon within it, and damages many of their enemies around it, including Scrag. Cruth uses his Legendary Actions to allow both his creatures to make additional melee attacks, and Grog is swallowed by the bane worm. Several of the Reilorans attack doing minor damage, pushing Lieve'tel off her white raven, and breaking her concentration on Holy Aura.

Percy figures out where the beacon likely is within the tower and directs everyone in that direction. He attacks a Reiloran Shrike with Briarsbane, using a pushing shot to shove the shrike near Scrag and the Anders toy, then detonates the toy with Animus. Vex releases Trinket onto Scrag's back, telling him to hold onto Ozo, then fires at him with Fenthras, doing massive damage. Keyleth (still in elemental form) casts Earthquake near the Malleus Key, killing or wounding several defenders. Scrag immediately retaliates against her, then uses Corroding Spray to kill Lieve'tel's white raven. The ghostly figures of the Weave Mind reach out through the orb, psychically taking control of Vex and forcing her to crash to the ground.

Lieve'tel uses Divine Intervention, which as a 20th level cleric is an automatic success, asking the Matron of Ravens to bring the beacon to her. Hundreds of ravens appear and pull open the tower, exposing the beacon and its central core. Grog, still swallowed by the worm, takes acid damage sending him into a frenzied rage and his attacks from within cause enough damage to make the worm vomit him out. Scanlan uses Scanlan's Hand to remove the dodecahedron beacon from its place within the Malleus Key. The Bloody Bridge, the red beam tethering Ruidus to Exandria, immediately blinks out. The storm above them vanishes and a hurricane-force wind sweeps through, as the tangled ley lines above them relax and the red moon begins slowly to resume its orbit.


Part II[]

Vex'ahlia's death - Melissa Hahn

Fan art of Vex'ahlia's death, by Melissa Hahn.[art 1]

Scanlan's Hand brings the Luxon beacon down close to Lieve'tel, then Scanlan drops the spell and successfully casts Dominate Monster on Scrag, telling him to attack Ozo Cruth. Lieve'tel is left holding the beacon. The Sunder King, however, moves to Vex'ahlia and attacks her mercilessly with Frenzied Wrath, continuing his attacks until she is unconcious, then dead.

Vorak, the bane worm, tries to move away but Grog gets a hit on it as it goes, holding it in place, and Cerkonos moves to join him. Pike, too far from Vex to reach her, uses Divine Intervention to call upon The Everlight to bring Vex back. A mote of light drifts down upon her still body, and her eyes open. Pike quickly casts Healing Word on her. Other defenders flee or fight for insignificant damage, but one mage in a tower hits Grog with lightning and another Psychic Slams him.

Percy begins walking toward Ozo, ignoring attacks. With smoke trailing from his collar, he casts Hex on the Sunder King. Manners misses, but Percy pulls out Bad News and starts shooting until it jams, then continues with Animus. Using both his Action Surges, Percival tries his best to kill Ozo, but the Sunder King is still standing. Vex'ahlia uses her broom to fly away and misses her shots with Fenthras. Keyleth changes into an air elemental as her Earthquake spell takes effect again, bringing down the towers that channel the forces of the Weave Mind, injuring and burying in rubble several of the party as well as defenders. The Malleus Key is collapsing, but Keyleth locates the orb that is now Vax'ildan and holds it within her air elemental body. As she does, it shatters, and black shadow drifts downward, forming into the figure of the Champion of the Matron of Ravens.

Still under Scanlan's domination, Scrag attacks Ozo. Lieve'tel is holding the beacon and just barely resists being sucked into its fascination, losing half her speed and making all rolls at disadvantage, but she is able to cast Mass Heal on Vax, Vex, Scanlan, and herself. However, the nearby Reilora cut the healing in half. They attack for minor damage and Grog ignores them to go after Ozo in a frenzied rage, using Great Weapon Master, and kills him. Both of his thralled creatures start screaming in sorrow and fury. Scanlan finishes off a lingering thought eater and commands Scrag to attack the worm. The worm, however, attacks and swallows Pike. Cerkonos kills a wounded shrike, then nerves himself to look cool for Lieve'tel, using his Blink spear to teleport in front of the worm and taunt it, badly, before hitting it. His conjured birds also attack, and finally he teleports into its mouth, trying to hit it from within but missing. Pike sees this (as she is also inside the creature) and adds War Gods Blessing to make it a success before using Inflict Wounds to make it vomit her out. A surviving thought eater contacts the Weave Mind, whose ghostly figures begin to appear, but Scanlan Counterspells their attempt to un-Dominate Scrag.

Percy attacks some straggler troopers, who swarm Vax'ildan for minor damage. Vax finishes off a thought eater with his daggers while Vex shoots several arrows into the bane worm, finishing it off with an assist from Cerkonos, still vainly trying to impress Lieve'tel. At this point, virtually all the defenders are dead or fleeing, so Scanlan sends off the still-dominated Scrag to be free in the desert.

Twins reunited by ElesirArt

Fan art of the twins reunited, by ElesirArt.[art 2]

The others turn to Vax'ildan, unsure how much time he has with them or what his status with the Matron of Ravens now is. Vex'ahlia is completely happy to have him, but Vax is confused as well. He senses no change in the gods or his bargain with the Raven Queen, and Keyleth realizes he's not really back. When Vex urges him to stay while the gods are distracted, Keyleth asks what would happen if there were no more Matron. Vax admits he doesn't want her to go, and Keyleth recognizes sadly that nothing has changed. The sounds of battle around them quiet as more Exandrian Accord forces arrive.

A group of celestials led by a massive golden-skinned creature arrives, greeting Vax as the Champion, telling him the next fight is in Issylra and bidding him to come. Ringed by angels waiting for him, Vax hesitates. He addresses the Matron, asking if it would be so bad if he stayed. He feels a hand on his shoulder and a whisper telling him that for this fleeting moment, he can choose what's important to him. Vax tells her he will serve her forever, here in the mortal world, but her voice returns, clarifying, "The night is yours." The holy creatures around the group begin departing on their next missions. Still a bit confused and bemused by the transition, Vax takes the hands of both Keyleth and his sister, but Keyleth tenses, still unsure.

Vex'ahlia comforting Keyleth - browz

Fan art of Vex'ahlia comforting Keyleth, by browz.[art 3]

Percival suggests returning to Whitestone, where they can rest, even if for only this one night that is the gift of the Matron. Vex'ahlia holds the quietly crying Keyleth, telling her that it's one night they can pretend everything's all right. While Keyleth prepares Transport Via Plants, Vex and Pike begin filling in Vax about their families. Just before they step through the portal, Keyleth returns Vax's gentle squeeze on her hand.

Featured characters[]


  • Liam: Save us, Cerkonos.
    Robbie: I'm in the corner! I'm not even on the map, baby. Me and Pike are having a latte.
  • Vex'ahlia: (describing her last thoughts) I think about my children, and I know that Vesper will be able to lead. I know Whitestone is safe. I look over at Percy, and I reach my hand out to him, and as my eyes close, I say, "Save him."
  • Vax'ildan: What do we do now?
    Keyleth: I guess it's still just the same. You're not really back, are you?
    Vax'ildan: No.
    Keyleth: How long before you have to go?
    Vax'ildan: I would like nothing more than to stay with you all. I've thought of you forever. Forever and ever.
    Vex'ahlia: Then stay. She's distracted. Stay as long as you can.[...]
    Keyleth: If there is no more Matron, do you know what happens to you?
    Vax'ildan: It's funny. I would not have her go.
    Vox Machina reunited by Kaitlyn L-NerdyNostalgia

    Fan art of Vox Machina reunited, by Kaitlyn L-NerdyNostalgia.[art 4]

    Keyleth: You would not have her go? Okay. Well. (he takes her by the hand) I'll still be here, I guess.
    Vax'ildan: Death is a part of life. When I say I would not have her go, it does not mean that I do not want to stay. I mean she does a kindness, in all our ends. Do not mistake me. I long for our life.
    Keyleth: When will your time be served? When will your debt be paid? I have to assume that I won't see that in my lifetime. And that's a long time.
  • Vax'ildan: (to the Raven Queen) Would it really be so bad if I were to stay?
    The Matron: Those that fight, to buck fate, will march on their own path. In this moment, you choose what's important to you. In this fleeting moment.
    Vax'ildan: I will serve you still. Here. In this mortal world. And to its end. Thank you.
    The Matron: The night is yours.


Adjustment Count Item Source Destination Notes
Expended 1 Residuum arrow Vex'ahlia bane worm The arrow would raise by one the level of the next spell targeting the worm.



  1. See "Fight for the Bloody Bridge" (3x114) from 1:38:00 through 1:38:30.
  2. See "Fight for the Bloody Bridge" (3x114) at 3:35:44.
  3. Previously, a player played multiple characters in "A Bard's Lament" (1x85), "Masquerade" (1x99), "Unfinished Business" (1x100), "Thar Amphala" (1x101), "Race to the Tower" (1x102), "The Search For Grog" (Sx42), "The Search For Bob" (Sx45), "Dalen's Closet" (Sx47), "Long May He Reign" (2x140), "Fond Farewells" (2x141), "In the Shadow of War" (3x110), "The Nein Hells" (3x111) and "The Assembling of Legends" (3x112).
  4. See "A Walk to Warmer Welcomes" (2x124) at 1:23:30.


  1. Fan art of Vex'ahlia's death, by Melissa Hahn (source). Used with permission.
  2. Fan art of the twins reunited, by ElesirArt (source). Used with permission.
  3. Fan art of Vex'ahlia comforting Keyleth, by browz (source). Used with permission.
  4. Fan art of Vox Machina reunited, by Kaitlyn L-NerdyNostalgia (source). Used with permission.