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Fierna is one of the archdevils of the Nine Hells, the ruler of Phlegethos.[1][2]


Fierna became the ruler of her layer at some point after Asmodeus became the ruler of Baator, turning celestials into the first devils,[3] and other Betrayer Gods imposed order on demons to create more of them for their armies.[4]

As the archdevil of Phlegethos, Fierna was very involved in soul trading, and devils of other layers were interested in acquiring energy from those souls, being possible for them to condense it inside geodes.[1]

By 810 PD Fierna still ruled Phlegethos, and was quite respected and feared. When Vox Machina, in a mission in the City of Dis, talked to a devil smuggler, he showed them geodes of condensed soul energy robbed from the fourth layer of the Nine Hells, not daring to refer to its archdevil in any other way than "her".[1]

Tiefling bloodline[]

The power of Fierna and her layer in the Nine Hells, Phlegethos, can be, either through deals or consort-like unions with her or her devils,[5][6] the origin of some of the tiefling bloodlines of Exandria. The tieflings of Fierna are usually very sagacious. Their infernal legacy grants them ability of briefly make it easier to influence a creature (the Friends cantrip). More powerful tieflings can make others believe they are their allies (the Charm Person spell) and can make very compelling proposals (the Suggestion spell).

Appearances and mentions[]


  • Although Fierna isn't explicitly named on stream, the page works under the assumption that this influential figure from the fourth layer maintains in Critical Role canon the name presented for her in the Dungeon Master's Guide, where Dispater and Zariel (archdevils mentioned in the two immediately preceding episodes of Critical Role in the same month) are also described.[7] Thus, under those circumstances Fierna's character is considered semi-canon, until new official information reasserts it as canon or contradicts it.
    • In 5th Edition rules, Fierna is actually one of the two rulers of Phlegethos, sharing this position with Belial, generally seen as her father.[2][8] However, this has never been mentioned in Critical Role, and so far she's seen as the only figure of authority in her layer.
  • She is the known archdevil with the deepest layer of the Nine Hells (except Asmodeus himself on Nessus).
  • Fierna is said to be the archdevil responsible for the creation of the first forlarren, who served an archfey the Lady of the Fourth had been unsuccessfully courting to lure him into trading away his soul; those satyrs were corrupted by Phlegethos, and instead of claiming their souls, Fierna twisted them before returning them to the Fey Realm.[9] This, however, hasn't been confirmed in Critical Role canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 See "Deals in the Dark" (1x92) at 1:07:12.
  2. 2.0 2.1 See D&D: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, 5th ed., p. 9.
  3. See Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, pp. 11–12.
  4. See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, p. 14.
  5. See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, p. 28.
  6. See Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, p. 163.
  7. See D&D: Dungeon Master's Guide, 5th ed., p. 64.
  8. See D&D: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, 5th ed., p. 12.
  9. Wizards of the Coast, Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio (5e), p. 9.

