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Critical Role Wiki

Elsie Roberts is a skilled doctor fraying at the edges, whose mysterious condition remains a source of intrigue for her fellow investigators. She is played by Ashly Burch.


When first seen, Elsie was a bit disheveled and wearing slightly shabby clothing from several seasons ago, although she was clearly trying to emulate the styles of the more upper classes.[2]



Elsie contracted cullet, a degenerative lung disease that causes a sensation of broken glass in the lungs, while she was attempting to treat clients of it in the Eaves. Dying of the disease, she began experimenting to find ways to keep the pain at bay, but became increasingly desperate as the pain worsened, eventually experimenting with magick and corrupting herself into a strange beast resembling a werewolf, which she begins to transform into whenever she is overwhelmed or stressed.[3]

At one time, she and Rajan Savarimuthu were in a romantic relationship, although she remained unaware of the hive of insects that now inhabit his body.[4]

"Candela Obscura: The Antiquarian" (CO3x01)[]


Character information[]

Notable items[]


  • Scholar Ability: Occult Researcher[5]
  • Doctor Abilities: Patch Up[6], Resuscitation[7]

Elsie accumulates points or tokens in a "beast pool" when under stress,[8] taking her first when she learned Rajan Savarimuthu would be part of the Circle of Tide and Bone[9] and a second while discussing her condition with Cosmo Grimm.[10] She took another after confronting Rajan, commenting she was "halfway there",[11], a fourth after the planning to infiltrate the Sanitarium,[12], a fifth while searching the Director's office[13], and a sixth after learning Rajan had been left alone in a hole.[14] After reaching six tokens in the pool, she rolled 6d6.[15] A single 1 was enough for her to transform into a beast which appeared to be a huge combination of an orca and a mantis on all fours,[16] but in order to regain herself she only needed to destroy one other creature.[17]

Appearances and mentions[]





  1. Official art of Elsie Roberts, by Kent Davis (source). Used with permission.