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Curtis Uleas was the Holy Curator of the temple of The Lawbearer in Vasselheim. As an NPC, Curtis Uleas is played by Matthew Mercer.


Curtis was squat, bald, and mousey-looking.[1]


"The Ominous March" (1x109)[]

Holy Curator Curtis Uleas is mentioned as the representative of the Quadroads of Erathis in a meeting to discuss how to stop Vecna's march on Vasselheim.[2] He objected to Allura Vysoren's offer to transport a strike team to Thar Amphala.[3]

Campaign Three: Bells Hells[]

A Holy Curator was also present at the meeting of the Exandrian Accord in Vasselheim following the fall of the base of the Bloody Bridge in the Hellcatch Valley of Marquet, although it was unclear if it was Curtis or a successor Holy Curator named Adona. This person called the Ruidians "godless creatures" born in the red shadow and outside Exandrian law, deserving no sympathy,[4] and was sympathetic to the gods' destruction of the city of Aeor to protect themselves from the threat caused by mortal arrogance.[5]

Appearances and mentions[]


  • (about Vecna "It is arcane perversions that enabled this madman."[6]


  • A Holy Curator was present at the meeting of the Exandrian Accord following the fall of the Malleus Key in the Hellcatch Valley to the Ruidian forces. However, it is unclear if it was Curtis Uleas, a successor Holy Curator named Adona, or if Adona is the current High Curator of the Cobalt Soul, a very similar title.[7]


  1. See "The Search For Grog" (Sx42) at 0:32:16.
  2. See "The Ominous March" (1x109) at 1:23:41.
  3. See "The Ominous March" (1x109) at 1:38:22.
  4. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:24:25.
  5. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:33:54.
  6. See "The Ominous March" (1x109) at 1:38:36.
  7. See "The Cradle's Convocation" (3x104) at 0:33:21.  The name of the Curator was not given here. However, in the following episode "Collecting Legends" (3x105) from 1:11:14 through 1:13:27, a figure steps forward identified first as "High Curator Adona" and then as "Holy Curator" and expresses very similar sentiments as the person in the previous episode.

