Critical Role Wiki

This wiki contains spoilers for the entirety of Critical Role and The Legend of Vox Machina. Proceed at your own risk!


Critical Role Wiki
Critical Role Wiki

The Occultus Thalamus reveals the thoughts and memories of those who witnessed the Downfall of the flying city of Aeor, including the gods who were its cause.

The Dawnchild in the temple
The Chosen One
Meteor Swarm

The Dawnchild in the temple

The mission begins...

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The Chosen One

SILAHA in the Ars Elysia

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Friends in unexpected places...

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Meteor Swarm

The final battle...

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The Dawnchild in the temple
The Chosen One
Meteor Swarm
Art Credits

1. Sabira Langevin 2. Sabira Langevin 3. ZioCorvid 4. Sabira Langevin

Campaign Three Arc 4 / Campaign Three Arc 5 / Campaign Three Arc 6

Episode summaries[]

No. Title Original airdate Link Runtime
99 "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) 2024-07-11 VOD 4:17:00
In the midst of a lull in The Calamity, a group of powerful individuals embark on a divine mission to the flying city of Aeor...
100 "Downfall: Part Two" (3x100) 2024-07-18 VOD 4:00:00
The Divine continue their infiltration of Aeor, looking deeper into the city's flaws and virtues as they seek out the center of its hubris...
101 "Downfall: Part Three" (3x101) 2024-07-25 VOD 6:11:02
All of the Divine planning and improvising comes to a head in the final battle within Aeor's underbelly...

Campaign Three Arc 4 / Arc 5: Downfall / Campaign Three Arc 6
