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Bramble was a fairy barbarian and a member of the Glorious Ones, a small group of adventurers. She was played by Laura Bailey in "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81).



Bramble FB by Annalise Jensen

Official art of Bramble, by Annalise Jensen.[art 2]

Bramble is a small but muscular fairy woman with light green skin adorned with darker spots in her arms and cheeks (as well as some scars), a mane of yellow-orange hair (which turns fiery red when she rages), and four insect-like green wings (which glow when she rages).[3] Her appearance is somewhat dirty, and her attire consists of a combination of thorns, sticks, dry leaves, dead flowers, and animal hair.[4]


Bramble is intense, determined and daring.



At some point before 795 PD[5] Bramble met Ranthiel Volthor, a warlock with whom she became intimately involved, but who did not seem as interested in having a relationship as she was.[6]

"Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81)[]

Bramble and Ranthiel's drinking contest - Annalise Jensen

Fan art of Bramble and Ranthiel's drinking contest, by Annalise Jensen.[art 3]

Bramble and Ranthiel teamed up with Scanlan Shorthalt, Sarge, and Bobby to act as security during the Musetide Festival in Drobanagos, a fishing village in Athova-Rae, in the Shattered Teeth. The group named themselves "the Glorious Ones", and started investigating and trying to help a local woman. During their time together Bramble flirted with Ran for a bit, but she also focused on the tasks at hand, casting Speak with Animals to communicate with Ethel (Sarge's tiger), and using her combat skill to kill kobolds. When Bobby was kidnapped by sirens and his friends went to rescue him, Bramble tried to help her friends by casting Faerie Fire on the enemies, but noticing her allies were taking too long, she dropped the spell to rage, which led her to behead one of the sirens and use her sword and the head itself to kill another of the aquatic fey. Her might impressed Ranthiel very much, who admitted he too had feelings for her.

After the adventurers finished their mission in the island, Dranzel and Scanlan announced that they and the rest of their troupe were about to sail to Tal'Dorei, and the rest of the Glorious Ones decided to join them. Bramble was particularly interested in visiting that continent to the west, and spoke highly of Ran, helping him become a promoter.


Ranthiel Volthor[]

Bramble was very flirty around the warlock, and was very shocked when he insinuated they weren't a couple. Although the fairy acted confident around him, impressing him with her skills several times, she got actually excited whenever he acknowledged her value and his own attraction towards her.

Character information[]

Notable Items[]

  • Longword
  • Scissors (possibly flavored sword)
  • Battleaxe


Fairy Abilities[]

  • Flight
  • Fairy Magic
    • Druidcraft
    • Faerie Fire[7]
    • Enlarge/Reduce[8]

Barbarian features[]

  • Rage
  • Unarmored Defense
  • Danger Sense
  • Reckless Attack
  • Extra Attack
  • Fast Movement
  • Primal Path: Path of the Totem Warrior
    • Spirit Seeker
      • Beast Sense
      • Speak with Animals[9]
    • Totem Spirit (Eagle)
      • Dash as a bonus action[10]
      • Opportunity attack rolls against her have disadvantage

Appearances and mentions[]


Two Brambles by Annalise Jensen

Fan art of Bramble and Bramble, by Annalise Jensen.[art 4]

  • Bramble shares her name with a pixie shopkeeper created (along with her store, the Hedgerow) by Ginny Di for The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums, a 5e supplement. Both the fairy and the pixie have a similar color palette, and interestingly enough, their respective creators (Laura Bailey and Ginny) collaborated on one occasion cosplaying as the same character, Jester Lavorre.
  • She is the first named fairy in Critical Role.
  • Although fairies are (mechanically) Small, Bramble's general description indicates she's probably closer to the Tiny size.
  • The way her hair and wings shine whenever she rages are examples of visual effects that characterize individual fairies.
  • It is unknown where she came from before meeting the Glorious Ones, but she wasn't from Tal'Dorei, since she stated she had always wanted to visit it.


  1. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:44:44.
  2. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:06:08.
  3. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:55:00.
  4. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:06:00.
  5. "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) takes place in a time in Scanlan's life when he's still inexpert and lacks confidence, and by the end of it he's trying to behave more like the charismatic Ranthiel Volthor. Since between 795 and 796 PD Scanlan had a messy affair with a member of the Darrington Estate staff that forced the bard and his troupe to leave, presumably the gnome's time with the Glorious Ones preceded this incident in Deastok. For more information see "Curious Tides" (1x89) at 1:13:37 and "Talks Machina #17: 'Voice of the Tempest'" (TMx17) at 56:37
  6. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:05:47.
  7. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 1:32:42.
  8. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 2:26:33.
  9. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 0:33:43.
  10. See "Choose Their Adventure...Again!" (Sx81) at 2:06:48.


  1. Official art of Bramble, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.
  2. Official art of Bramble, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.
  3. Fan art of Bramble and Ranthiel's drinking contest, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.
  4. Fan art of Bramble and Bramble, by Annalise Jensen (source). Used with permission.