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The Boreal Omen River is in the Greying Wildlands and runs from the Ivory Lake through the Savalirwood, past the ruins of the ancient elven city of Molaesmyr, and into the Frigid Depths. The waters of the river are freezing cold but contain fish.


Part of Bells Hells reached the river on their journey between Uthodurn and Molaesmyr and decided to raft down it to speed their journey. Along the way they encountered and killed a bog wretch.[3]


  1. The fish are thick, black-scaled, and have what appear to be ribbon-like tendrils extending from their fins and tail.  See "By Goat or By Boat" (3x56) at 3:13:22.
  2. See "By Goat or By Boat" (3x56) at 1:56:03.
  3. See "By Goat or By Boat" (3x56) at 3:01:00.


  1. Official map of the Boreal Omen River, by Deven Rue from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. This page contains unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.