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Arcadia Cerenvetorix was an archmage of the Magestri of Aeor during the Calamity. As an NPC, Arcadia is played by Brennan Lee Mulligan. The true Arcadia was a mortal avatar of the goddess Ioun, the Knowing Mentor, although the Arcadia known to the other Prime avatars at the time of the Fall of Aeor was actually Asmodeus in disguise.[2][3]



Arcadia was a beautiful woman with deep black skin, long braids, and gleaming white eyes, wearing a golden headpiece and red and white robes with geometric patterns.[4]


She was focused and intelligent, although she seemed to be doubtful about certain aspects of her plans if she wasn't certain of how they would go.



After the main Exandrian pantheon agreed to collaborate in a plan to neutralize Aeor and their potentially dangerous technology, it was agreed that the Knowing Mistress would act as the scout, infiltrating the flying city first in order to understand it. Thus, she was born as a human girl, Arcadia Cerenvetorix, and when she grew up and understood her duty, she traveled to Aeor and integrated into its society.[5] Presumably due to her arcane merits, she became an archmage within the magocracy,[6] and with her cover well established, she started investigating, eventually finding an abandoned temple (the Chamber of Seasons) that she magically protected although she was pretty sure that Aeorians had completely forgotten about it.[7] She was soon joined by another mortal god in the city, since Corellon had also decided to live among those mortals as an aeormaton, SILAHA.[8]

However, earlier the same day that most of the other mortal avatars arrived within the city, Arcadia was captured by Asmodeus and imprisoned within a glass amulet similar to those used by the mages of the city to contain captive imps. He then gave the amulet to the renegade solar Acastriel, who eventually gave it to the chief archmages in charge of the Factorum Malleus, Selena Erenves and Adamar Cadrow.[9]

"Downfall: Part One" (3x99)[]

Using Arcadia's visions and SILAHA's influence in Aeor, five of the now-mortal Prime Deities traveled to the city and to the ruined temple, along with four of the Betrayer Gods. The archmage confirmed to them that the Factorum Malleus was their main concern, and proposed to spend a week or two investigating together, although the other gods immediately argued they should hurry. They then started dividing their tasks: they had to neutralize the Eravox Protocol (designed to spread the knowledge of Aeor across Exandria if something happened to the city) and the Obtenebrator (that was currently hiding Aeor from divine eyes) so that the other gods could start assisting them from outside the flying city; Arcadia wanted them to survive as long as possible, being particularly interested in The Emissary. She, however, wasn't sharing all the information, and Trist noticed, leading Asha to cast Detect Thoughts, and starting a brief argument.

Eventually they decided they had to destroy the Protocol first, and they divided in teams, with Trist staying to protect Arcadia just in case, along with Ayden and Father Milo. Their goal was to search for a passage into the Genesis Ward. The archmage then told the rest of the teams that one way or another, that would be their last night as mortals.

"Downfall: Part Two" (3x100)[]

Arcadia and Father Milo arranged to be part of the same subgroup when the avatars divided their forces, questioning Trist and Ayden about the vision of the sick boy Hallis and how it could be used to gain access to the Genesis Ward. Arcadia cast Invisibility on several others in another group. The group then traveled to the hospital seen in the vision of the ill boy, where Arcadia told Dr Bezel, the chief physician who greeted them, who she was and that they had urgent business with one of their patients. When the boy's mother Archmage Cassida Previn arrived, she recognized Arcadia.

"Downfall: Part Three" (3x101)[]

After their successful mission to destroy the Obtenebrator Engine, the avatars gathered at the Ars Elysia. Cassida told them of the scroll batteries holding the only remaining knowledge of the weapon. Arcadia expressed her hesitancy to see knowledge of any kind destroyed but joined the group going there anyway. During their mission, Trist got a frantic message via Sending stone from her family and heard sounds of battle and death. Arcadia told her that if there was a miracle she could work, she owed it to her family to do it, but after agonizing over her decision, Trist opted to join the other avatars at the battle at the Factorum Malleus itself. There, when the avatars gained Truesight, "Father Milo" disappeared, and Selena Erenves threw the small glass encasement holding an unknown god that Acastriel had given her from her neck, tossing it into the air and sending it into the path of the Factorum Malleus, where it would be destroyed, at the same time casting some mortal magic spell. SILAHA had a choice: stop her or save the unknown god. He chose to save the god, catching the vial but allowing her spell to be cast, broadcasting the knowledge of how to construct the Factorum Malleus into the city.

After The Emissary destroyed the Factorum, the avatars began to regain their immortal forms. Silaha gave the glass amulet to the Wildmother, who decided to release the god within. With a gasped "Where is he?!" Arcadia appeared before them, regaining her godhood to become the Knowing Mistress. Later, when the gods briefly spoke before returning to their homes, the Knowing Mistress suggested that the time was coming that they needed to find a way to seal the Betrayer Gods away from Exandria.


Deity Abilities[]

  • Divine Prowess: After calculating all bonuses, the Knowing Mistress doubles the result of any skill check she makes. Her passive skill checks are also doubled.
  • Divine Magic: The Knowing Mistress may cast any cleric spell or domain spell of a domain she grants of any level once per turn without using a spell slot (it still takes an action, however). The Knowing Mistress's spell save DC is doubled as is the range, area of effect, and duration of all her spells.
  • Divine Vitality: Provided she hasn't taken damage since the beginning of her last turn, the Knowing Mistress regenerates all hit points at the start of her turn. All her death saving throws are considered Natural 20s (bringing her up to 1 hit point automatically). Her maximum HP, current HP, and any temporary HP given by spells is multiplied by 10. Finally, she is immune to the poisoned, petrified, and paralyzed conditions, as well as any disease.
  • Divine Potency: All damage the Knowing Mistress deals by spells or weapon attacks is multiplied by 10. After rolling an attack roll, the Knowing Mistress can double the result and use that instead. After calculating all bonuses, the Knowing Mistress doubles her armor class. Her range with ranged weapons is also doubled.
  • Divine Resistance: The Knowing Mistress has five Legendary Resistances. After rolling a saving throw, she can double the result. The Knowing Mistress is immune to all non-magical damage, damage from weapons that are not Artifacts, and damage from spells of 6th level or lower. She is also immune to two elemental damage types and resistant to four elemental damage types.
  • Divine Awareness: The Knowing Mistress has truesight, blindsight, and tremorsense to a range of 120 ft. She can speak and understand all languages (spoken and written) and communicate telepathically to any creature she can see. She is immune to the charmed, frightened, stunned, blinded, and deafened conditions.
  • Divine Vigor: The Knowing Mistress regains all limited use class features at the start of her turn. She is immune to exhaustion, and after all bonuses are calculated, has her speed doubled. The Knowing Mistress has three Legendary Actions per round.

Appearances and mentions[]


  • "To the heart of Aeor, to disarm them of the weapon they would use to destroy the gods. One way or another, this will be our last night as mortals."[10]


  • Her name is that of one of the lawful outer planes, Arcadia, focused on perfection. Her surname resembles the name of the Gaulish king Vercingetorix.
  • Arcadia's access to the Sphere of Invisibility spell continues a pattern of using spells and lore from earlier editions of D&D to denote lost knowledge from the Age of Arcanum. For example, Halas Lutagran's spellbook contained Trap the Soul, a spell which appeared in the 2nd and 3rd editions of D&D.


  1. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:00:46.  Arcadia said she spent 30 years in Aeor, and that she went there when she was old enough to understand her purpose. Since Ayden, who is 15, is a fully realized incarnation of his god, it is safe to assume that Arcadia at 14 was aware enough to go to the flying city.
  2. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:58:49.  Brennan refers to her as "Goddess of Knowledge".
  3. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) at 1:42:56.  Brennan clarified that Asmodeus arrived before the others, trapped the real Arcadia in the glass amulet, and gave it to Acastriel.
  4. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 2:54:36.
  5. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:00:46.
  6. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 2:53:36.
  7. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:03:36.
  8. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 3:01:45.
  9. See "4-Sided Dive: Oh My Gods" (4SDx26) at 1:42:51.
  10. See "Downfall: Part One" (3x99) at 4:16:15.

