"A Dark Balance" (3x38) is the thirty-eighth episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. Bells Hells return to safety from the treacherous shadow realm with renewed hope to save their lost friend...
- It's the Halloween episode! This year, the theme is X-Men, with Sam as always marching to a different drummer:
Note: Matt's in-costume eyes are truly scary.
- First sponsor tonight is D&D Beyond, treating us all to spooky backgrounds supplied by Max Schapiro and GIF-able forever.
- Blades in the Dark - One More Multiverse edition , an online roleplaying game you can run with your friends, is now available.
- With her hair blowing in the wind, Marisha announces the return of the Mighty Nein in a two-part reunion special airing online and in theatres on 17 November and 1 December 2022.
- They still make comic books, and The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen hardcover edition is now in all Critical Role shops.
- Merch Alert! Nott, Beau, and Fjord dice sets and "I would like to rage" t-shirt now available.
Previously on Critical Role[]
So, last we left off: Bells Hells, after a very deadly encounter with the Legend of the Peaks, Otohan Thull, with three members of their team dead, two returned, and Laudna left unable to do so. You brought her body back to Jrusar, pulled in some favors with Eshteross, who then pulled in some favors of his own. But then you called out to the leader of the Air Ashari, Keyleth, who brought you to the town of Whitestone. There, she hoped to introduce you to people that could help you in your concern. There, you met Lord Percival de Rolo , who upon learning about Laudna's condition and involvement with Delilah, was extremely unhappy and unwilling to grant aid in this circumstance.
But Vex'ahlia felt a little more empathetic. Upon calling Pike Trickfoot, the cleric of Vox Machina, to come and try to resurrect your friend Laudna, discovering this lingering connection, the dangers of being uncertain as to how to assure that Laudna came back and not Delilah herself. You traveled to the Trickfoot manor, and she put you all through a unique ritual that projected your spirits into whatever dark pocket dimension it seemed that Laudna and Delilah had been whisked away in the afterlife to.
There, you traversed a series of odd memories, dark traumas of Laudna's past, battled some of these inner shadows that seemed to linger and be drawn around Delilah's necrotic life force, eventually coming through a shadow version of the town of Whitestone, a twisted leafless version of the Sun Tree where she once hung from, and did battle with the shade of Delilah Briarwood. Upon going through this struggle, this fight, it was discovered that it wasn't just Delilah, but the dark tree itself that represented what was holding Laudna here, it seemed. Through some ingenuity and some well-placed druidic fire spells, the tree was set aflame. After a few of you had been knocked out of this dream, eventually you destroyed the tree, left Delilah screaming, and all of you awoke suddenly, back on the floor of Pike Trickfoot's home.
Part I[]
The party all return to consciousness on the floor of Pike Trickfoot's home, with Laudna's still body there among them. Pike confirms that the connection between Delilah Briarwood and Laudna, while not gone, is heavily diminished, and begins the Raise Dead ritual by saying there's a slight chance they can break them apart entirely. Pike explains three of them will need to speak to Laudna to convince her to come back.
Orym tells Laudna she deserves to be more than a footnote in Delilah's story, and that she is needed, using Druidcraft to create red poppies in her hair, and succeeds in reaching her. Fresh Cut Grass tries to cast a spell to compel her to return, but fails. Then Imogen speaks, telling Laudna that her presence saved her life, and that Imogen will be there to fill whatever hole Delilah's absence creates for her. The choice to come back is Laudna's; no one gets to control her anymore. But Imogen's message fails to get through as well. The ritual completes, but Laudna is still apparently not breathing. It is not until Pike slaps her that Laudna's eyes open.

Official art of Laudna's greeting in Whitestone, by Kaw.[art 1]
Laudna is apparently completely physically unchanged, but very shaky, confused, and fearful. Vex'ahlia stands at the door with her bow Fenthras aimed at Laudna's heart until Pike confirms that it truly is just Laudna, without Lady Briarwood. Laudna, however, is terrified to learn that they are in Whitestone, finally agreeing to at least look around the town before they leave. At Vex'ahlia's signal, two previously-invisible members of the Whitestone Rifle Corps appear from the corners of the room, standing down. Vex'ahlia invites the party to spend the night at the castle. When she opens the cottage door several dozen more riflemen and Pale Guard take aim, including Lord Percival with a large gun aimed at them, but Vex'ahlia calls out her assurance and they stand down as well.

Fan art of Laudna's new Form of Dread, by Lyadrielle.[art 2]
Laudna looks around a Whitestone restored to what it was during her early childhood. She is drawn toward the Sun Tree and walks up to it, flashing between her memories of the tree on the last day of her life and the reality of the vibrant life around it now, striking up a brief conversation with a child. When Laudna touches the tree, it feels warm and alive. She slowly assumes her Form of Dread, but it now embodies the Sun Tree.
They are approached by Lord Percival, who greets Laudna and apologizes on behalf of the de Rolos for what befell her years earlier. At Laudna's urging, everyone also touches the Sun Tree to feel its warmth, and Percival shares that Keyleth has talked to it in the past. When Imogen thanks Vex'ahlia for everything, Vex tells her that they may some day call on them for a favor in return. Fearne thanks Pike for her help, and while hugging her, attempts and fails to pickpocket her holy symbol. Pike appears not to hold the attempt against her.

Fan art of Pâté, transformed, by Ashley Stoddard.[art 3]
Laudna shares that while in the shadow plane, one of the memories she relived was of creating Pâté. She thinks that memory, along with that of the Sun Tree, may have been reworked into a more positive form. She tosses the doll into the air, and it transforms into a living creature with skeletal wings that greets them in a raucous Cockney accent. Vex'ahlia escorts them to the castle and dinner.
During the meal, FCG asks about the location of the Horizon Temple and offers Percy therapy, which Percy declines. Fearne asks Percy for a small gun for her monkey to shoot flaming poop pellets with and to everyone's surprise receives a child's pop gun for him. She promises not to load it with real ammunition. Imogen telepathically has Vex adjust the meal's menu away from items served at Laudna's last dinner at the Castle.
After dinner, the party shares with the de Rolos that they have found large quantities of residuum in both Emon and Bassuras, connected to the Cerberus Assembly of Wildemount, and show them a Potion of Possibility. The de Rolos knew of missing shipments but not who was behind them. Imogen tells them of the latticework cage surrounding Ruidus and the city there, and Percy recognizes it as similar to the Divine Gate. The party also reveals the existence of texts concerning the two forgotten gods, and that people investigating the red moon have been being killed. Percival keeps most of the party's residuum but returns a small amount to them.
When Percival leaves, Vex'ahlia lingers to apologize once more for Percy, and for what the Briarwoods did to Laudna. She gives Laudna her Ring of Protection before retiring to sleep. Laudna isn't comfortable sleeping in the castle, and asks that they all camp out under the Sun Tree.
- Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen releases 6 December 2022, digital access 22 November.
- Blades in the Dark - One More Multiverse edition is now available.
- Trailer for The Mighty Nein Reunited.
- Merch Alert! Nott, Beau, and Fjord dice sets, The Tales of Exandria: The Bright Queen hardcover, 8-bit Villains sweatshirt, and Nott the Brave windbreaker in all five CritRole shops; "I would like to rage" t-shirt in all shops except Australia; Witchy Trio t-shirt in the US, EU, and UK.
- Welcome to Tal'Dorei Critical Role soundtrack album available now on all digital music platforms.
- Critical Recap every Wednesday on CritRole.com.
- Submit fan art and cosplay for possible inclusion in the weekly online gallery at https://www.critrole.com/submit.
- Sam uses ASMR to talk about the benefits of subscribing to Critical Role on Twitch.
Part II[]

Bells Hells and the Sun Tree, by Kamille Areopagita and Kevin Areopagita from "A Gathering of Heroes" (3x76).[art 4]
During the night camping under the Sun Tree, Imogen has a dream, which due to Fresh Cut Grass's nightly cast of Shared Dream, he shares with her. The red storm already surrounds them, and ahead is a shadowed shape moving away. Going closer, Imogen sees it is a male warrior before it vanishes into the dust. She recognizes this vision as resembling those she had of Bertrand Bell and the Lumas twins after their deaths, and her mind immediately goes to Lord Eshteross, hoping that he's all right. FCG learns that spells do not work within the dream, although their will can move them as if flying, so Imogen attempts to contact Eshteross by using the power of the dream, but finds nothing. The storm grows colder and darker as it clears, and above, they see thousands of stars that begin to blink out one by one. They come to consciousness in the early morning in Whitestone.

Fan art of Fearne and the Sun Tree, by Elaine Tipping.[art 5]
When Imogen tries to give Laudna back the Bloodwell Vial, Laudna gifts it to her. Fearne then uses Speak with Plants to have a lovely conversation with an even-more-relaxed-than-normal Sun Tree. Imogen Sends to Lord Eshteross, worried, but receives no response. She and FCG explain the dream she had, and FCG urges her to try to control them more, and use them. Hoping against hope that it's simply the middle of the night in Jrusar, they breakfast at the castle. On the way out, they encounter Vex'ahlia and Chetney asks her to tell Percival he doesn't need to limit himself to crafting in metal. To demonstrate, he presents Imogen her gift, an intricate wooden clockwork horse.
FCG Sends to Manaia Turei, telling her they'll be ready to return to Jrusar in two hours and she should open the tree portal then. Vex'ahlia then leads them to the Whitestone branch of Gilmore's Glorious Goods, manned by recently-graduated trainee Jerry, who sells them three greater potions of healing and a magical toy griffon (and possibly other items that they will discuss out of character and off stream).

Meanwhile, Fresh Cut Grass has gone to the Horizon Temple to seek out Guide Osli Kámyda, as Percival had suggested. FCG is seeking answers or guidance, and shows him the medallion of the Changebringer. Osli tells them they simply need to open their heart to Avandra's wisdom, given in signs and feelings at first. If FCG wants to speak to her, just do so. She is always listening, though her responses may be hard to recognize. Osli leaves FCG alone to pray, and FCG asks Avandra just for a sign that she knows they exist.
FCG rejoins the others at the Sun Tree just as Manaia opens the portal and they all run through, with Vex telling Imogen to let them know if they see anything strange. They arrive in the early morning of Jrusar and immediately head to Eshteross's manor. From the outside, everything looks normal, but there is again no response to Imogen's Sending. FCG's Locate Creature reveals a golden line leading into the house. Imogen consults the tracking orb hopefully attuned to Otohan Thull but it shows nothing. They decide to send in an invisible Chetney, and if the front door opens, also send in Pâté.
Chetney knocks at the front door, with no response, and then succeeds in picking the very complicated lock. Pâté follows, although he points out that he can't follow Chetney if he can't see him, so Pâté begins leading. Inside, there are signs of a furious struggle, many of Eshteross's defensive traps have been set off, and there is a strong scent of blood. Upstairs, the struggle apparently continued and the smell grows stronger. Laudna directs Chetney to follow a smear of blood leading to Eshteross's bedroom. Within the darkened room, Pâté finds Lord Eshteross's horribly wounded body, face down, with one arm reaching under the bed. Chetney follows, noticing that the blood smells slightly odd, and finds Lord Eshteross's cane lying on the hallway floor. Inside the bedroom, he again notices the odd, off scent of the blood, and also picks up the very faint smell of Otohan Thull lingering in the air.
Under the bed, Chetney finds an iron lockbox but when he tries to get it, he is slightly injured by a heavy object falling on him from a trap he failed to notice. Inside Eshteross's pockets he finds two keyrings, one of which holds the key that opens the box. The box contains multiple sealed envelopes, addressed to his housekeeper Evelyn Wress, Lex Emenar, Chief Wilder Namin Oros, Ajit Dayal, Orlana Seshadri, Manaia Turei, and Bells Hells. He reads the last one, a letter written to the party to be read in the event of his death.
Chetney also finds a page containing Eshteross' maple ginger cookie recipe. The third page is a copy of a portion of his last will and testament leaving to Bells Hells his trusted weapon Turmoil (which they assume is the silvered cane with a heavy ball at one end that Eshteross always carried), and the skyship the Silver Sun with a year of the crew's wages paid.
Chetney sneaks back out of the house, still invisible, and briefly fills in the group. They begin moving toward a safer place, but first, Orym catches the "off" scent of the blood on Eshteross's cane and recognizes it as the toxin used on Will, Derrig, and the other victims at Zephrah to prevent their resurrection.
Featured characters[]
Bells Hells
- Ariks Eshteross
- Manaia Turei
- Percival de Rolo
- Pike Trickfoot
- Sun Tree (through Speak with Plants)
- Vex'ahlia de Rolo
- Jerry
- Guide Osli Kámyda, priest at the Horizon Temple
- Pâté de Rolo
- Ajit Dayal
- Avandra, the Changebringer
- Delilah Briarwood
- Derrig
- Doty
- Ellia Prudaj
- Evelyn Wress
- Everlight
- Flora, Imogen's former horse
- Keeper Yennen
- Keyleth
- Lex Emenar (left a letter by Eshteross)
- Chief Wilder Namin Oros (left a letter by Eshteross)
- Orlana Seshadri
- Otohan Thull
- Pretty
- Shaun Gilmore
- Shithead, a bird Fresh Cut Grass dreads
- Taryon Darrington
- Will
- Xandis
- Fresh Cut Grass: (as the ritual to raise Laudna begins) Lady Vex, is your husband going to be okay with this?
Vex'ahlia: He'll have to be. Don't you worry about that. I'll handle it. - Pike: Not to burst your bubble at all, but we've also killed Delilah... a couple times. She has a habit of not really going.
- Fresh Cut Grass: (speaking to Laudna during her resurrection ritual) I've always been told that a soul that loves at least touches perfection.
- Imogen: (speaking to Laudna during her resurrection ritual) These last few years have been everything. And through it all, through all the laughter and all the hardships, she was with you. She was choking you. If you come back, I don't know how you're going to feel. I don't know if you'll feel free, or if you'll feel empty. But I want you to know, whatever... whatever hole she's leaving, I'll be there to help fill it, all right? I'll be there for you. I'm not going to tell you to come back, I'm not going to try to compel you to come back, because that choice, Laudna, is yours now. No one gets to control you anymore, all right? Just know that I love you, and I'm here.
- Laudna: (looking around Whitestone) It doesn't seem real. Like I'm... still in a dream, but this one's just not a nightmare.
Imogen: This gets to be real now. - Fresh Cut Grass: (to Imogen) Dreams aren't a thing that happen to you. Dreams are a thing that you do.
- Fresh Cut Grass: (about the Changebringer medallion) I'm really drawn to it. It's little and it's metal, but it seems to have a purpose. I've been doing a lot of thinking about where I came from and who I am and who made me, but I think maybe I should just be looking ahead more at what I want to be, or what I should do, or what my purpose is.
Adjustment | Count | Item | Source | Destination | Notes |
Acquired | 1 | Pop gun | Percival de Rolo | Little Mister | Shoots flaming poop pellets. |
Transferred | Residuum | The party | Percival de Rolo | Percival kept the lion's share of the party's residuum when they showed it to him, but returned a small amount in a pencil box. | |
Acquired | 3 | Potions of greater healing | Gilmore's Glorious Goods, Whitestone branch | Ashton Laudna Imogen |
Ashton bought 3 and gave 1 each to Imogen and Laudna. Cost 250 gold each. |
Acquired | 1 | Intricately carved beechwood toy griffon | Gilmore's Glorious Goods, Whitestone branch | Fearne | On the command "Demora", flies in gentle loops. Cost 70 gold. |
Expended | Incense and powdered silver | FCG | Horizon Temple | To honor Avandra. | |
Transferred | 1 | Long silver cane | Lord Eshteross | The party | Found in the manor near Lord Eshteross's body. |
- According to CritRoleStats, as of this episode Bells Hells have spent over 10 gold on Jrusar's gondola system.[2]
- The in-game date at the end of this episode was 25 Sydenstar 843. The apogee solstice will take place in 28 to 30 days.
- Sam's jerrycan has a marble run track attached to it, down which Sam sends something edible.[3]
- ↑ See "A Dark Balance" (3x38) at 4:09:13.
- ↑
CritRoleStats (@CritRoleStats) on Twitter: "Fun fact: As of C3E038, Bells Hells have spent over over 10 gold on Jrusar's gondola system." (2022-10-21).
- ↑ See "A Dark Balance" (3x38) from 1:58:50 through 1:59:25.
- ↑ Official art of Laudna's greeting in Whitestone, by Kaw (source). Used with permission.
- ↑ Fan art of Laudna's new Form of Dread, by Lyadrielle (source). Used with permission.
- ↑ Fan art of Pâté, transformed, by Ashley Stoddard (source). Used with permission.
- ↑ Bells Hells and the Sun Tree, by Kamille Areopagita and Kevin Areopagita from "A Gathering of Heroes" (3x76). Used with permission.
- ↑ Fan art of Fearne and the Sun Tree, by Elaine Tipping (source). Used with permission.
- ↑ Fan art of FCG in the Horizon Temple, by KarrahE (source). Used with permission.